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TMCS1100: TMCS1100

Part Number: TMCS1100


I want to use TMCS1100 for current measurement of DC continouos current : 60A DC @ Voltage : 26V DC.

TMCS1100 Powering up with 5 VDC.

It does suit my application, please suggest an alternate part.


  • Hello Murthy,

    Thanks for considering to use Texas Instruments.  Can you tell me your motivation for using the TMCS1100?  If you intend to power the device with 5V and you only expect your load side common mode to be 26V or lower, I think it might be worth considering our standard current shunt monitor parts.  The TMCS1100 would be something to consider if your common mode would be several hundred volts as the TMS1100 parts require you to consider a few additional variables when doing your board layout.  For TMCS1100, you have to be careful with how you lay out your traces as they can influence the measurement due to stray magnetic fields.  Additionally you need to put a lot of consideration into your thermal management for high current.  With our EVM layout, which has large 3oz copper planes, we are unable to measure 60A DC continuous.  While it might be possible with some additional thermal handling tricks, you would need to verify.  If you still want to go this route, we do have a article here that explains a method for verifying.  Alternatively you could do a current divider so that not all the current passes through the part, but then you need to account for board manufacturing tolerance and probably the unequal thermal drift between the TMCS device and the divider trace.