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Part Number: IWR6843AOPEVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: IWR6843AOP


I am working on IWR6843AOP radar. My application is related to robotics and manufacturing. I want to collect point cloud data with beam forming enabled. I am using out of box demo binary file "xwr64xxAOP_mmw_demo.bin". I created cfg file based on "Beamforming_in_LRPD.pdf". Please see attachment for cfg file. After using this cfg file, sensor is not able to start.  Below is the error shown in terminal

[ INFO] [1614928505.390285444]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Command successful (mmWave sensor responded with 'Done')
[ INFO] [1614928505.390552963]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Sending command: 'sensorStart'
[ INFO] [1614928505.441195554]: mmWaveCommSrv: Sending command to sensor: 'sensorStart'
[ INFO] [1614928505.449528195]: mmWaveCommSrv: Received response from sensor: 'sensorStart
Error -1
[ INFO] [1614928505.476213155]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Command failed (mmWave sensor did not respond with 'Done')
[ INFO] [1614928505.476247643]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Response: 'sensorStart
Error -1
[ INFO] [1614928505.525642450]: mmWaveCommSrv: Sending command to sensor: 'sensorStart'
[ INFO] [1614928505.545342600]: mmWaveCommSrv: Received response from sensor: 'sensorStart
Error: You have provided partial configuration between stop and this command and partial configuration cannot be undone.Issue the full configuration and do "sensorStart"
Error -1

Do I need another binary file for beamforming? If yes, please provide binary file for beam forming.

or Is there a issue in attached cfg file?

Kindly provide your suggestion for resolving issue. 2425.6843AOP_3d.cfg

Thank you!



  • HI, Ankur:

    Did you run AOP as a standalone module and power is provided from USB cable?  Or you are connecting AOP on top of mmwaveICBooster?

    The AOP standalone mode does not have enough power to support 3 TX beamforming.  



  • Hi zigang,

    Based on suggestion, I connected AOP on mmwaveICbooster. But still sensor is not able to start. Below is the error from terminal:

    [ INFO] [1615188363.256479756]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Command successful (mmWave sensor responded with 'Done')
    [ INFO] [1615188363.256754061]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Sending command: 'sensorStart'
    [ INFO] [1615188363.306790650]: mmWaveCommSrv: Sending command to sensor: 'sensorStart'
    [ INFO] [1615188363.314776422]: mmWaveCommSrv: Received response from sensor: 'sensorStart
    Error -1
    [ INFO] [1615188363.341190089]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Command failed (mmWave sensor did not respond with 'Done')
    [ INFO] [1615188363.341239698]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Response: 'sensorStart
    Error -1
    [ INFO] [1615188363.392462644]: mmWaveCommSrv: Sending command to sensor: 'sensorStart'
    [ INFO] [1615188363.412220417]: mmWaveCommSrv: Received response from sensor: 'sensorStart
    Error: You have provided partial configuration between stop and this command and partial configuration cannot be undone.Issue the full configuration and do "sensorStart"
    Error -1
    [ERROR] [1615188363.439032336]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Command failed (mmWave sensor did not respond with 'Done')
    [ERROR] [1615188363.439098496]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Response: 'sensorStart
    Error: You have provided partial configuration between stop and this command and partial configuration cannot be undone.Issue the full configuration and do "sensorStart"

    Any other suggestion for beamforming to work? Also, are there any specific switch settings in booster for AOP to get work with booster?

    Please suggest workaround to get beamforming working.

    Thank you.



  • HI, Ankur:

    The switch setting on AOP will be different, if you connect it with ICBOOSTER board.  Please check the figure 4-15 at the following user guide:



  • Hi Zigang,

    I changed the switch settings as shown in fig 4-15 and mounted AOP on booster. But still sensor is not able to start and error in the terminal is same. Is there a possibility of mismatch between out of box demo binary file and cfg file(attached previously) for beamforming?

    Please suggest for another workaround.

    Thank you!



  • Please make sure that the configuration without TX beamforming works first.  And please send me a picture of your setup. 



  • Hi zigang,

    Setup is working without Tx Beamforming with AOP mounted on booster. I can get point cloud data. Please see images below:

    But with beamforming enabled, the error is same. Please see below:

    Any other suggestions for beamforming to work?

    Thank you.



  • HI, Ankur:

    Which demo binary are you using for this experiment?  Is the same binary you used for both AOP one TX and AOP 3 TX beamforming? Are the two configurations also provided from the TI demo?



  • Hi Zigang,

    For binary I am using out of demo binary file xwr64xxAOP_mmw_demo.bin. Yes same binary file is used for both AOP one Tx and AOP 3 Tx.

    Cfg files are created. I already attached cfg file for AOP 3 Tx in first message. Please refer attachment in first message.



  • HI, Ankur:

    I tried this binary and it does not work for me either.   You can try the xwr68xx_mmw_demo.bin in the SDK OOB demo.   Although it is not designed for AOP, but it supports 3 TX beamforming.    IF it apply to you as well, then at least it mean your board is working fine with TX beamforming.  



  • HI, Ankur:

    By the way,  your script does not match with xwr68xx_mmw_demo binary.  You need to add following CLI comment before sending sensorStart

    bpmCfg -1 0 0 0



  • Hi Zigang,

    Would you like to provide binary and cfg file which is working for you for Tx beamforming?

    Thank you.



  • HI, Ankur:

    You can try to use the binary below:


    And use your attached configuration file, but add

    bpmCfg -1 0 0 0

    before sensorStart.

    This binary and configuration file will start the TX beamforming.  However, this binary assume xwr6843ISK antenna pattern, so the angle of arrival part is not really correct.  You will not see correct point cloud.   We do not have a binary that support AOP TX beamforming.   

    This experiment is just to show the device itself support TX beamforming, but we do not really have any binary for that.  You can use DCA1000 + mmwaveICBOOSTER + AOP EVM for raw ADC data capture and enable TX beamforming, and design the algorithm yourself to check whether TX beamforming brings you any benefit.  

