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Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
I want to check variables by CCS.
All variables could be checked in 'objectdetection.c'.
But any variables couldn't be checked in function of 'objectdetection.c'.
For example, I would like to check variables in 'DPU_AoAProcDSP_process' of 'objectdetection.c'.
I think this function is declared in 'ti/datapath/dpc/dpu/aoaproc/src/aoaprocdsp.c'
But break point doesn't work in this code.
Furthermore, step-in function doesn't work at 'DPU_AoAProcDSP_process' in 'objectdetection.c'.
Could you let me know how to check variables in 'DPU_AoAProcDSP_process' by CCS?
Set-up are shown below.
This could be because of the level of optimization set during compile.
Have you tried to change that?
Thank you,
Thank you for your reply.
I changed Properties for 'mmwave_sdk_68xx_dsp_mss' and 'mmwave_sdk_68xx_dsp_dss' as shown below and done rebuild each projects.
Optimization level : off
Speed vs. size trade-offs : 0
But step-in function (from 'objectdetection.c' to 'DPU_AoAProcDSP_process') doesn't work.
Could let me know parameters which I should change?
Hi Kazuki-san,
All the DPUs (inlcuding DPU_AoAProcDSP_process) are compiled as libraries using makefiles. The CCS projects provided in Industrial Toolbox link the pre-compiled libs from the SDK. So changes made to the compile options (e.g. optimization settings) in the CCS projects "mmwave_sdk_68xx_dsp_dss" and "mmwave_sdk_68xx_dsp_mss" do not have an effect on the DPUs since those are pre-compiled libs (built with O3 optimization by default).
So in order to debug the DPU code (or any pre-compiled library), you need to:
Hi Nitin,
Thank you for your answers.
I modified 'C:\ti\mmwave_sdk_03_04_00_03\packages\ti\common\mmwave_sdk.mak' as you said.
And I executed 'mingw32-make clean' by poweShell at 'C:\ti\mmwave_sdk_03_03_00_03\packages\ti\datapath\dpc\dpu\aoaproc'.
But makefile doesn't work with error massage "Error: aoaproc is not supported on !!!".
Could you let me know how to re-build pre-compiled libs?
Hi Kazuki-san,
You need to use the TI tool chain as specified in the SDK makefile and use it in Windows Command prompt as specified in the SDK user guide.
After making the changes to C:\ti\mmwave_sdk_03_04_00_03\packages\ti\common\mmwave_sdk.mak to disable optimization, to compile the AoA DPU (or any other SDK component) using its makefile, please follow the following steps (for more details, please refer to the SDK user guide as indicated above):