Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMUX1574
I have the same issue with: https://e2e.ti.com/support/switches-multiplexers-group/switches-multiplexers/f/switches-multiplexers-forum/968039/ts3a44159-ts3a44159-leakage-from-pin-11-no4-to-pin-14-v?tisearch=e2e-sitesearch&keymatch=TS3A44159#
When I plug UART to USB module to the unpowered board. TXD and RXD will come to NO pin of TS3A44159. I measure voltage in NO, NC, COM is around 1.8V and voltage in VCC is around 0.6V.
So I have 2 questions:
1. Why voltage in NO can pass switch and go to both NC and COM ports?
2. I checked in datasheet and I see IK - Analog port diode current only have a negative value -50mA. As my understanding, It means TS3A44159 NC, NO, COM pin only have a ESD diode connect to GND, and do not have ESD diode to VCC. So what is the path of leakage between NO pin and VCC pin ?