Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TS5A22364, TMUX4827, TMUX6236
I'm trying to use TMUX4053 to replace relays in a commercial application. The circuits are high--gain audio preamps and guitar distortion circuits, with large signal swings.
When using this chip to switch between audio signals, there is a significant pop that can be extremely loud through an amplifier or speakers/PA system.
I've used series resistors, DC blocking caps (2.2uF) and 1MΩ resistors each switch input and output, as suggested by the circuit in the following link, but find it impossible to reduce this pop to an ignorable level. www.geofex.com/.../cd4053.htm
Is there any way to get pop-free/click free switching from analog switches like TMUX4053? I've had success with switching DC, but not audio.
Thank you!