My customer need to S-Parameter of TS5A3166-Q1.
Please send to me. If you need some information, let me know.
They want to SP2 format or PDF.
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My customer need to S-Parameter of TS5A3166-Q1.
Please send to me. If you need some information, let me know.
They want to SP2 format or PDF.
Please allow me to explain S21, S12, S11 and S22 for TS5A3166-Q1.
On datasheet Page 14, Figure 9 "Gain vs Frequency" is S21. Since TS5A3166-Q1 is a passive switch and its input and output are interchangeable, S12 and S21 are the same.
S11 and S22 are normally used to indicate the switch impedance or signal reflection with respect to frequency. However, our datasheet does not provide S11 and S22 because it is not quite straightforward for most customers. If customers are interested in switch resistance, they can refer to Ron directly. As for the signal reflection, "Gain vs Frequency" plot is very informative. Take TS5A3166-Q1 for example. When frequency below 1MHz, almost all the signal energy pass through, which in other words, S11 and S22 are almost zero under 1MHz.
Would you please let us know why the customer is requesting for S-parameters?