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TS3A5018:What happens when VCC=0?Also what is power consumption when device is enabled?

Part Number: TS3A5018

Two questions:

  1. What would be the behavior of the TS3A5018RSVR if it was powered down and active signals were present on the I/O's? Customer is trying to measure power on a chip under test and want to power down all other circuitry.
  2. What is the power consumption of the TS3A5018RSVR when the enable pin is tied low? Customer wants to verify the positive supply current in the data sheet applies to this case. Alternative would be to disable the MUX parts and calibrate out the current consumption. 

  • Hi Ishaan,

    Your first question is a common one here on E2E. the feature you are talking about is called power off protection. This specifies the leakage current when VCC=0V. I've included a snapshot from the datasheet showing this spec.

    For question 2, the spec for positive supply current in the datasheet takes into account the switch being both on and off.  According to the functional table the only way to achieve both of these states is to have the Enable pin tied low. 

    One thing to take note of is that both of the specs I have highlighted from the datasheet are called out multiple times depending on VCC votlage. Please verify in the datasheet for your particular operating voltage.

    If you need anything else we would be glad to help!

  • First item appears to only apply when VCOM, VNO, VNC are ground or V+. I am talking about the case where V+ is disconnected and part is not powered at all but there are still active signals on COM, NO, NC.
  • Hi Ishaan,

    Can you upload a snapshot of what spec you are referring to?

    The first image in my post (which I believe you are referring to) calls out the leakage current when VCC=0V. It also specifies VCOM, VNO, and VNC from 0V to 3.6V.

    I'm a little confused by what you are referring to so a screenshot will greatly help eliminate any confusion! Thanks in advance!

  • Hi Dakotah,

    So if V+ = 0V (part is unpowered) then VCOM, VNO, VNC can be active signals across the full operating range with no ill effects? Basically want to be sure part won't back power through the COM, NO, NC pins.

    Best, Ishaan

  • Ishaan,

    Yes, if V+ = 0V then VCOM, VNO, VNC can be active signals across operating range with the leakage current values specified here in the datasheet. It will not backpower the device as the inputs become high impedance.