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I'm seeing a popup with the header
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
and the guts
Runtime Error!
Program: C:\CCStudio_v3.3\cc\bin\TraceCntrl.exe
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information.
followed by the "OK" button.
This is relatively new.
My recent computer changes are based on Microsoft Updates (automatically scheduled types) and a change from Norton Antivirus to Symantec Endpoint Protection.
Any clue as to how I can address the issue?
Could you provide all the information requested here?
Unfortunately, I have no boards that work right now. (SPI Flash issues: can't boot), but I can get some of the information to you:
Microsoft Windows XP, Professional, Version 2002, Service Pack 3
Dell Precision M6300, Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU, T7250@2.00GHz, 2.00 GHz, 3.50GP of RAM Physical Address Extension
BIOS 5.33.03
CGT v6.19
My board is a custom board based on the OMAP-L137 EVM board provided by Spectrum Digital.
ccBrd0.dat =
# config version=3.5
$ sdopts
$ /
$ sepk
$ /
@ icepick_c_0 family=icepick_c subpaths=3
& port19 address=19 force=yes pseudo=no default=no custom=no
& port18 address=18 force=yes pseudo=no default=no custom=no
& port17 address=17 force=yes pseudo=no default=no custom=no
@ tms320c674xp_0 family=tms320c64plus
& /
# /
Without a board to reproduce the problem, I'll have to do this from memory. This Pop-up appears as a pop-under, and I don't know what particular thing triggers it. It does not happen when I connect to the board, but at a latter time. I'm debugging DSP code while driving the ARM9 half of the OMAP-L137 (second rev of chip) via a telnet session from a Linux box. That is, I start my Linux app, which loads the DSP code. The DSP code has an infinite loop that lets me connect and continue. While I'm debugging, at some point, the pop-under happens. I'm deeply focused on the debugging, so I've never noticed when it happens, although I notice it later. It happens almost every time I debug the multi-threaded DSP application. The TI tools I use include the Kernel/Object Viewer, breakpoints (including run to cursor, step into, etc). I have not seen the problem when I am stepping through the boot loaders, but then the code never really gets running. That is, it is stuck in the boot-loader waiting for the ARM9 to do something. (As I said, SPI flash problems). I'll provide more info when I can, but I haven't gotten new boards built in a while, so it might be a month or more.