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I would like to render image data in memory to a window in CCS. I looked at the image viewer but could not see how to specify a memory address. Is there a viewer which takes image address, resolution, and image format? The image data is in target memory.
Thank you
~ Ramsey
Check the Properties tab of the Image viewer - it allows you to specify all the parameters you mentioned. The section Advanced Data Visualization of the page below shows a screen capture of it:
Hope this helps,
Thank you for your reply. This is just what I am looking for. The link helped a lot. I was able to get it to work but it took quite some fiddling to get it right. Here are the issues I encountered.
The data file does not seem to be a standard image format. What tool can I use to create such a data file from a JPG image file?
I am glad the link helped. Please see my comments;
1. Depends on the target device and how the image was created, therefore any value can be the default.
2. You are right. I modifyed the page to reflect this.
3. Some changes were made to the options in the later release of CCS. A more general update to the GSG is planned to happen in a few days.
This image was dumped directly from the DM6446 memory, but I found an utility that seems to do a similar job from existing compressed/encoded file formats:
Hope this helps,
Thank you again for the link. I downloaded the utility and after some fiddling go it to work. Here are the steps I took to save time for the next user.
convert TI-C6A816x_397x298.jpg -adaptive-resize 320x240 -depth 8 TI-C6A816x_320x240.rgba
~ Ramsey
Thank you for reporting this; this is good information. I will add this information to the GSG as an additional topic.