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I am attempting to update a C2000 project (TMS320C28345) from CCS4 and DSP/BIOS to CCS10 and SYS/BIOS.
I used the "Migrating a DSP/BIOS 5 Application to SYS/BIOS 6" as reference.
Used the ti.bios.conversion tool to create a new .cfg file and created a new project in CCS10 with it.
After copying the source from the old project in and fixing the include paths, I am getting 400+ errors of the same type:
#20 identifier "Arg" is undefined
Many are from the /DSP2834x_common/ files.
Using the following tool versions:
CCS Version:
TI C2000 v20.2.5.LTS
SysConfig 1.9.0
Any suggestions on what is causing this would be appreciated. Thank you.
There's this note in xdc/std.h
/* xdc_Arg is defined only in ti/targets/std.h; use IArg and UArg instead */ #ifdef xdc__ARG__ typedef xdc_Arg Arg; #endif
Looks like maybe Arg was deprecated in favor of IArg/UArg.
For the DSP2834x_common files, can you double check that the related header file locations are added to the #include path properly?