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I am a student using CCS for the first time. I believe it is a good program but I can't get it to run. I can't add text to the body please read the file!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F449
  • Hello,
    I am a student using CCS for the first time. I believe it is a good program
     but I can't get it to run.
    I have installed CCS v4.2.3 on my C: drive on windows 7 with my UAC turned off.
     After running it for the first time I am getting this error:
    ErrorReportingTool.exe - Entry Point Not Found 
    The procedure entry point CreateFSUtil could not be located in the dynamic link library fsutil.dll.
    any ideas on why and how to fix this.
    changed to compatibility view to post this. Unless the text file was unreadable,
     I don't know why there weren't any responses.
  • Anybody? I though Ti was pretty good at this. They usually give good support for my v200.

  • I'll need to look at why you see this error, but the error itself can prevented from occuring by renaming ErrorReportingTool.exe to ErrorReportingTool.bak.

  • That will remove the error from popping up but does it leave the problem there? Will I notice any ill effects? like corrupt data...

  • So it has been a few weeks. Anything new?


  • I uninstalled the latest version as of 6-25-11 and reinstalled I was able to run the led program to my msp430f449. I get the cpu shut down error if I have 3 or more instances of pin1out ^= 0x02 and my license sometimes goes to unlicensed but I'm hoping to be able to use this IDE for my school projects. I really am disappointed in Ti's support for this software so far I have heard one response to my problems. I can only imagine what I will go through later on down the road!