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I'm using CCS12.5 with AM263x_CC but this issue has always occurred.
I am using common code for both cores so I load the Program on Core 0 and only symbols to Core 2. Both cores are set to Auto-Run to main() which it does but I always get the following error in the Console window:
The full text is:
Cortex_R5_0: Trouble Removing Breakpoint with the Action "Finish Auto Run" at 0x7012fd90: (Error -1066 @ 0x7012FD90) Unable to set/clear requested breakpoint. Verify that the breakpoint address is in valid memory. (Emulation package
I'm guessing it is able to remove the breakpoint(s) after running to main() so I'd really like to get rid of the warning if possible please.
Hi Kier,
I did a quick test on AM263x CC card using hello world example. The code was loaded to both core 0 and core 2, and run to main(). I don't get this error message. I am using CCS 12.4.
I tried different options in "Program/Memory load options", and didn't get any issue.
Hi QJ,
Thank you.
I made a similar 12.4 project and I am able to repeat the issue. I noticed that your cores are not grouped but mine are grouped. I click on the Group then 'CPU Reset' then 'Restart':
Please find attached the project. Please see if you can replicate the problem.
I have naturally grouped my cores since I want both to run to main() when I restart the program.
Hi Kier,
I am running a test with your project, and come back to you later.
I got the same result as before: no issue
In my settings, both cores load the same gel file:
Thanks for checking. I appreciate that you can't replicate the issue but I'm not sure that marking the issue as resolved helps me any.
- In your "no issue" screenshot, you are still not using the .ccxml file from my project. Is there a reason you can't use the .ccxml in the project?
- Why does your. ccxml assign a gel file to R5_2? I don't see that used in any of the multi-core examples where only R5_0 has a script. Can you point me to any document that instructs this please?
I tried your target config file this morning, there is no difference. I didn't see the warning message.
I don't see that used in any of the multi-core examples where only R5_0 has a script. Can you point me to any document that instructs this please?
Only R5-0 core needs the gel files. The initialization and PLL configuration of other R5 cores are done by R5-0.