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Whenever I attempt to execute "Install Device Support..." from CCS 12.5's Help Menu it fails with the following popup dialog box message...
Install Device Support
This operation required to shutdown CCS, do you want to continue? OK, Cancel.
Selecting OK exits CCS immediately.
Upon re-launching CCS no option to install device support happens.
I'm trying to make sure I have the necessary device support for my current EVM and target device which is the following...
Jacinto7 J721E/DRA829/TDA4VM EVM
Likewise, in the future I want to be able to install the necessary support for other C7x based devices.
How do I run this "Install Device Support..." option?
Please note that this option basically re-runs the installer program so that you can choose to install additional device support that you didn't originally select when you first installed CCS. Is this what you are looking to do?
from CCS 12.5's Help Menu it fails with the following popup dialog box message...
Install Device Support
This operation required to shutdown CCS, do you want to continue? OK, Cancel.
Selecting OK exits CCS immediately.
This is all expected behavior.
However, after this, the CCS Installer should appear and you can then have the option to "reinstall" CCS. Did you not see this action occur?
No, CCS does NOT re-run its installer. I thought that was supposed to happen also but doesn't.
Re-launching CCS 12.5 manually does not cause the installer to run either, but rather prompts for the workspace to use followed by presenting the IDE.
My install of CCS 12.5 is on Windows 7 64-bit SP1.
CCS 12.5 appears to be installed completely and behaves correctly otherwise.
If my memory serves me correctly, I chose to install "All" instead of "Custom" during CCS 12.5 installation some time ago.
Could this be the reason for CCS not re-running the installer when selecting "Help\Install Device Support"?
I wouldn't think so, because over time there will be new devices needing to be installed beyond what was available at original install time.
With all that said I do have a C7x project RTSC build issue that I've been trying to resolve in targeting a valid C7x device, hence my attempts to try "Install Device Support" here.
That issue is posted to this same Code Composer Studio forum entitled...
"CCS 12.5 Issues Targeting C7x Device and Building C7x SYS-BIOS Project Fails"
My install of CCS 12.5 is on Windows 7 64-bit SP1.
Perhaps this could be specific to Windows 7. I'll need to check this.
If my memory serves me correctly, I chose to install "All" instead of "Custom" during CCS 12.5 installation some time ago.
Then you already have everything
Could this be the reason for CCS not re-running the installer when selecting "Help\Install Device Support"?
I believe it should still re-run the installer regardless. I see this behavior myself when I try it with my CCS 12.5.0 installation with full device support.
I wouldn't think so, because over time there will be new devices needing to be installed beyond what was available at original install time.
This feature would only allow you to install device support available from the original install image. It doesn't check for new devices or updates since the original image was created. You need to check for CCS updates for those.
With all that said I do have a C7x project RTSC build issue that I've been trying to resolve in targeting a valid C7x device, hence my attempts to try "Install Device Support" here.
Updating device support will likely not resolve this particular issue.
"CCS 12.5 Issues Targeting C7x Device and Building C7x SYS-BIOS Project Fails"
Thanks. The device/SDK experts can help you further.
Perhaps this could be specific to Windows 7. I'll need to check this.
I can reproduce this on Windows 7. It works fine with Windows 10.
I filed a bug for this. Tracking link: