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I try to use the function profiling.
The compilation option "--gen_profile_info" is activated and I start a "project debug session".
But the "profile data collection" view is still disabled : I can't activate a profile data. The following text is displayed : "there is no activity available for the selected debug session".
If I execute my program (HelloWorld..), a file .pdat is generated but it is empty : no information is displayed when I open this file with "Open Profile Data file".
Below my configuration:
OS : Windows XP SP3
JTAG Probe : Spectrum Digital XDS100v2
Target : OMAP-L138 (JTAG connected to DSP TMS320C6748)
Evaluation board : TMDSEVML138
Target Configuration :
<configuration XML_version="1.2" id="Texas Instruments XDS100v2 USB Emulator_0">
<instance XML_version="1.2" desc="Texas Instruments XDS100v2 USB Emulator_0" href="connections\TIXDS100v2_Connection.xml" id="Texas Instruments XDS100v2 USB Emulator_0" xml="TIXDS100v2_Connection.xml" xmlpath="connections"/>
<connection XML_version="1.2" id="Texas Instruments XDS100v2 USB Emulator_0">
<instance XML_version="1.2" href="drivers\tixds100v2icepick_c.xml" id="drivers" xml="tixds100v2icepick_c.xml" xmlpath="drivers"/>
<instance XML_version="1.2" href="drivers\tixds100v2c674x.xml" id="drivers" xml="tixds100v2c674x.xml" xmlpath="drivers"/>
<property Type="choicelist" Value="3" id="The JTAG TCLK Frequency (MHz)"/>
<platform XML_version="1.2" id="platform_0">
<instance XML_version="1.2" desc="TMS320C6748_0" href="devices\c6748.xml" id="TMS320C6748_0" xml="c6748.xml" xmlpath="devices"/>
<device HW_revision="1" XML_version="1.2" description="C674x Floating point DSP" id="TMS320C6748_0" partnum="TMS320C6748" simulation="no">
<router HW_revision="" XML_version="1.2" description="" id="device_0" isa="ICEPICK_C">
<subpath id="device_1">
<cpu HW_revision="" XML_version="1.2" description="" deviceSim="false" id="device_2" isa="TMS320C674X">
<property Type="filepathfield" Value="..\..\TMS320C6748_GEL_BSL_Files_v2.3\gel\C6748.gel" id="GEL File"/>
Does anyone has ever had this problem ?
The profiler is not supported on C6000 hardware targets. Please check this related post. You can either use a simulator configuration in CCS to get profile data or the alternatives suggested in that post when running on hardware.