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CODECOMPOSER: theia 1.4/5 -- what happened to my ability to build



I seem to have lost my option to build or debug.   those useful options are stricken from the context menus.   Ctrl-B excites the strobing blue bar, but nothing else -- nothing in the build output.   The F1 CCS:Build option? Nothing ...

If done 'things' to try to repair -- some rational, some superstitious.   I've now wasted over 2 hours. My teammates are laughing at me.  

Below, enjoy my rendering of the situation.  No Build options. Debug option Greyed out.

  • Hi Owen,

    Your project seems to not be fully imported into CCS.  Could you try explicitly importing it (?):

    1. Go to File > Import Project(s)...
    2. Browse to the root of your project in your workspace directory
    3. Select Import projects at their original locations in the drop-down box at the bottom of the dialog
    4. Click Finish

    Once you do that, you should see a cube icon overlay on your project's 'folder' icon in the Explorer view, and all the build actions should then be available.

    Let me know how that goes.



  • in general, the team here has some instability with theiaccs.  in my case, i had set-up the ccstheia 'solution' for my sources some time ago, and was able to build/debug.  at some point, something got wonky, don't remember what, and I needed to reconstitute workfile and anything .theia.    I also bumped up to 1.5.  So, when setting up the build stuff in theia, i simple added folders to the workspace -- i did not import the .cprojects into whatever invisible store they are contained.  Seems like workspace is only a list of folders for the Explorer view -- it's not like they are scanned for any .cprojects which are then considered input for the build. 

    On day when I have lots and lots of time, I will just delete every .cproject on my machine in favor of cmake build.   I think theia, at least, makes that more likely.    thanks for the help 

  • Hi Owen,

    Deleting all .cproject files and switching to cmake would be a drastic change, and TI would no longer be able to help you with any issues going forward.  I would recommend against rushing with that.

    Have you tried importing the project as I described above?  Were there any issues with that?


  • Hi Baltasar,  sorry, i should have been more clear.  Yes! I can build again. I imported the projects again (as I had done when i originally set-up, but forgot that that was the needed selection to have the ability to build -- adding folders to the workspace alone does not related to the what's available to the build).

    So, yes, i did as you descibed and that allows my build (from GUI) again

    I dislike the .cproject files.  They are cumbersome, full of majic numbers, and they merge poorly.  .cproject auto-merge issues bite my team frequently.  Also, because of non industry standard project files, our build pipeline now depends on ccs. ultimately, it may need to depend on ccs-theia, and I hope the command line api to build has not changed.  Those were choices made by the build engineer -- in all, it's specialized knowledge and I'd prefer to rely on industry standard practices and methods.   I'd prefer to be able to build using cmake.   Anyhow, that's the rationale, and nothing is perfect.   Yes, it would be a big change, and honestly we have not had the time.