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Migration of software project from CCS3.3 to CCS5.x

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CODECOMPOSER

Dear ladies and gentlemen,


I am wondering about the following issue: if I have a software project with CCS3.3 (under configuration management and version control) and I am thinking about updating the Code Composer Studio to Version 5.x: is it possible to update the CCS without modifing the code generation tools (especially assembler, compiler and linker) themselves.

Since the software is in series production, I do not want to run any risk by sideeffects or a changed behaviour due to compiler updates or something.

On the other hand side, I do not want to stick to "older" development tools for future maintenance of the project.


My idea is to proceed like the following:

- built my whole project (as under configuration management today) with "old" CCS3.3

- update the CodeComposer Studio V5.x but STICK to the "old" versions of code generation tools (especially assembler, compiler and linker)

- rebuild the whole project unter V5.x and make sure that NO changes in the "output" file took place - in other words, that the generated executable code and the memory locations are exactly same after and before changing the CCS.


I tried the proceeding with CCS V4.x a few months ago and it proved not to be too simple. My investigations ended at the point where I wanted to compare 100% whether the build processes are (exactly) the same after and before change of Code Composer Studio version.


Thanks for any help/experience/advise...


  • Christian Mueller90830 said:
    is it possible to update the CCS without modifing the code generation tools (especially assembler, compiler and linker) themselves.

    Yes. You should be able to use the same versions of the compiler that came CCSv3 and simply instruct CCSv5 to use it:

    Christian Mueller90830 said:
    - rebuild the whole project unter V5.x and make sure that NO changes in the "output" file took place - in other words, that the generated executable code and the memory locations are exactly same after and before changing the CCS.

    If the same exact version of the code generation tools are used and you make sure that the same exact build options are used, then you should have the same output

