Q1: In Codewrite, header files and C source files and other file types are grouped in the project view pane, regardless of where those files are located, which is a handy way of organizing things in the project view pane.
I want to do the same thing with CCS 4.2.4. I found an option under the "Window->preferences" menu item, in the C/C++ ->Appearance field, which is a check box labeled "Group the includes in the C/C++ projects view". Seems like just what I am looking for, but when I check it, hit apply and close out the menu, it does not change the appearance in the C/C++ projects view. I still see a list of first .h files, and then .c files.
Q2: CCS automatically brings any file underneath the Project Root into the project, which creates addtional clutter in the C/C++ projects view pain, for example when my editor creates a backup copy of a file a source file. I see all these *.bak files listed. How do I exclude certain file types from being displayed in the project view pane.