I am debugging sample code on the Concerto M3 (nothing loaded on the C28). Stepping through the debugger is painfully slow. For sample programs enet_lwip_m3 and enet_uip_m3, it takes between four and 24 seconds to step from one line to the next. This happens from the very first lines in main() at the start of the debug session. I have eliminated most of the windows in the development environment, leaving only Project Explorer, two source files in the editor, one Console, the Debug window, and the Target Configurations window. enet_uip_m3 comes with a RAM configuration option, but that helps very little -- it still takes close to four seconds to move a step.
Can anyone tell me how I can speed up the debugger?
I could live with four seconds, but the time grows to 10 or even 20 seconds per step.
I am using a recent version of controlSUITE and CCS version I am using the controlCARD TMDXCNCDH52C1 with the XDS100v2 emulator. The host is a 64 bit Windows 7 computer with a 2.8 GHz Intel Xeon CPU.