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How to select which target board to program?


   I'm developing some Zigbee applications using CCS5.2 and the Stellaris LM4F232 development board. I have two boards, one that sends data and one that receives. I'd like to program the sender and receiver individually without having to constantly unplug the boards, re-launch the terminal program, etc. In IAR this is simple; you select which board you want to program (based on its COM port) but I can't see how to do this in CCS. I looked through the debugger options but didn't see anything. How do I do this?

   If this is not possible then I urge you to fix it; otherwise it's going to make wireless development (of any type) very difficult.


  • Hi Derek,

    this may be emulator dependant.  Do you use the ICDI for the Stellaris or an XDS emulator?  Have a look in the target configuration (.ccxml) settings.  Setting up the COM/connection is done there.

    Please keep us informed.

    Best Regards,

  • Hello,

       I'm using the ICDI onboard the development board.

    With both boards plugged in I looked at the .ccxml settings but didn't see a way to select which target to use. I created another "Stellaris In-Circuit Debug Interface" and tried selecting this one (in Debug As...) but it still went to the first board.

    I don't see any mention of COM ports in the Debug Settings or the .ccxml file.

    How do I accomplish this?



  • Hi Derek,

    unfortunately with the ICDI this is not supported.  WIth the XDS emulators it is.  THe ICDI does not have an ID or something to input to identify it as you have likely noticed in the settings.  The XDS100 also allows free CCS usage.

    See also this related post

    Sorry for any inconvenience.

    Best Regards,
