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I have a ccs5.1 project for my cortex m4f development ( originally created under ccs4 early this year.) . I have the .project and .settings files checked into source control (clearCase). It seems that these files saved my compiler and linked settings such as options, header-include paths, lib path etc. Whenever I import the projects to my workspace, it automatically generates the .cproject for me. The CCS project property displays all of those compiler settings as well. We are ok with it for months until I recently found that after I added a new include path and it is saved to .cproject only.
Now, without the .cproject, the CCS is opened with all of the old good settings except the newly added header-include-path. If I keep the .cproject in the project, then it opens with all of the information.
So, I am confused with why my .project file worked for me for so long and it remembers so many old settings but not new ones. Are there any hidden places that store these configurations?
Both the .project and .cproject files contain Eclipse CDT project information and they should both be checked into source control. Please see this FAQ:
It is possible that the .cproject file was initially created for you and that was ok until you modified certain settings, but the recommendation as per the FAQ is to check in all of the project files listed there.