Hi everyone:
In my project I wanted to port my image-processing-algorithm on DM648.Because DM648 was fixed point DSP and my image-processing-algorithm used many float
point vars(变量),it run so slow that couldn't meet my need. I must convert these vars and functions from float point to fixed point.
for example ,my source code below:
#include <math.h>
void mian()
float varA,varB;
varB = tanh(0.66666667*varA); // how to fixed point tanh();
Firstly,I tried to create a table to fixed point math function - tanh(x), but the range of x was (-∞,+∞).
it meant that I must create a very large table? so my question was:
what was the length of table totally?
Likely sin(x),cos(x) and so on? how to create a fixed point sinTbl or cosTbl? what was the length of sinTbl and cosTbl?