I have a eZdsp C5515 USB Stick and i'm trying to get interrupts from Timer0. Well, for this purpose i created new CCS project and tryed to build it.
But i got linking problems like this:
undefined first referenced
symbol in file
_main C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Texas Instruments\\ccsv4\\tools\\compiler\\c5500\\lib\\rts55x.lib<args_main.obj>
error: unresolved symbols remain
error: errors encountered during linking; "Timer_INT.out" not built
So, i have project with: vector.asm fiile, the linker cmd file, source file, all nessesary include files.
This is full project in zip-file:0167.Timer_INT.zip
And this is my building properties with library search path section:
It seems the problem in rts55x.lib.
How can i fix this problem?