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What settings will cause an _args_main()?


I use CCS 5.5 on Windows 7, with OMAPL138LCDK and XDS200. Now I work on ARM side. I find that sometimes download code success while other times fail, or with some warnings, like:

Through comparison, I find that the success one has these after download code:

while one with warning has such:

But I don't know how to get the right results in the project. I guess that difference will make the download fail or not.


  • The first screenshot shows an error in connecting to the target. That specific error is unrelated to project settings, and if this error occurs and you are unable to connect to device you will also not be able to download code.

    If this connection error only occurs intermittently, there are a couple of things you can try to troubleshoot it:
    - try the Test Connection button in the Target Configuration editor view to see if there are any low level JTAG connection issues
    - Go to the Advanced tab in the Target Configuration editor view and try lowering the JTAG TCLK frequency to see if that helps make the connection more stable (more info on adaptive clocking on ARM9 devices can be found here)