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Good afternoon.
I am working with a cryptographic library called Miracl, in order to implement a Digital Signature. So I tried to use the file dssign.c. When I debugged and ran the file, I obtained the next output in the console:
Enter 9 digit random number seed = 123456789
file to be signed = mario
Unable to open file mario
I put the file both in the working directory and the Hard disk, Thanks in advance.
/* * Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) * * See Communications ACM July 1992, Vol. 35 No. 7 * This new standard for digital signatures has been proposed by * the American National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) * under advisement from the National Security Agency (NSA). * * This program asks for the name of a <file>, computes its message digest, * signs it, and outputs the signature to a file <file>.dss. It is assumed * that the common values p, q and g, as well as the private key of the * signer have been previously generated by the dssgen program * */ #include <stdio.h> #include "miracl.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> void strip(char *name) { /* strip off filename extension */ int i; for (i=0;name[i]!='\0';i++) { if (name[i]!='.') continue; name[i]='\0'; break; } } static void hashing(FILE *fp,big hash) { /* compute hash function */ char h[20]; int i,ch; sha sh; shs_init(&sh); while ((ch=fgetc(fp))!=EOF) shs_process(&sh,ch); shs_hash(&sh,h); bytes_to_big(20,h,hash); } int main() { FILE *fp; char ifname[50],ofname[50]; big p,q,g,x,r,s,k,hash; long seed; int bits; miracl *mip; /* get public data */ fp=fopen("c:\\common.dss","rt"); if (fp==NULL) { printf("file common.dss does not exist\n"); return 0; } fscanf(fp,"%d\n",&bits); mip=mirsys(bits/4,16); /* use Hex internally */ p=mirvar(0); q=mirvar(0); g=mirvar(0); x=mirvar(0); r=mirvar(0); s=mirvar(0); k=mirvar(0); hash=mirvar(0); innum(p,fp); innum(q,fp); innum(g,fp); fclose(fp); /* randomise */ printf("Enter 9 digit random number seed = "); scanf("%ld",&seed); getchar(); irand(seed); /* calculate r - this can be done offline, and hence amortized to almost nothing */ bigrand(q,k); powmod(g,k,p,r); /* see brick.c for method to speed this up */ divide(r,q,q); /* get private key of signer */ fp=fopen("c:\\private.dss","rt"); if (fp==NULL) { printf("file private.dss does not exist\n"); return 0; } innum(x,fp); fclose(fp); /* calculate message digest */ printf("file to be signed = "); gets(ifname); strcpy(ofname,ifname); strip(ofname); strcat(ofname,".dss"); if ((fp=fopen(ifname,"rb"))==NULL) { printf("Unable to open file %s\n",ifname); return 0; } hashing(fp,hash); fclose(fp); /* calculate s */ xgcd(k,q,k,k,k); mad(x,r,hash,q,q,s); mad(s,k,k,q,q,s); fp=fopen(ofname,"wt"); otnum(r,fp); otnum(s,fp); fclose(fp); mirexit(); return 0; }
Are you running Windows 7 with UAC enabled? If so, the code you sent tries to write to the root directory, but usually UAC prevents writing to this area without admin privileges.
Try to change the path of your file to a temporary directory that everyone has full control (I usually create a C:\temp to do my File I/O tests) and see if it works fine.
Hope this helps,