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This is the very first time I'm using CCS and I've got this problem while debuggind my code:
Can't find a source file at "/tmp/TI_MKLIBBMPOk8/SRC/exit.c"
Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location.
I don't know what does ir mean nor what I have to do to solve it.
My code is quite simple and compiles with no errors.
I'm using LauchPad for sending commands through SPI protocol to a Semtech SX1272. Here's my code:
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "inc/hw_memmap.h"
#include "driverlib/gpio.h"
#include "driverlib/pin_map.h"
#include "driverlib/ssi.h"
#include "driverlib/sysctl.h"
#define NUM_BYTES_SSI 2
int main(void) {
uint32_t pui32DataTx [NUM_BYTES_SSI];
uint32_t pui32DataRx [NUM_BYTES_SSI];
uint32_t ui32Index;
SysCtlPeripheralEnable (SYSCTL_PERIPH_SSI0);
SysCtlPeripheralEnable (SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOA);
GPIOPinConfigure (GPIO_PA2_SSI0CLK);
GPIOPinConfigure (GPIO_PA3_SSI0FSS);
GPIOPinConfigure (GPIO_PA4_SSI0RX);
GPIOPinConfigure (GPIO_PA5_SSI0TX);
SSIConfigSetExpClk (SSI0_BASE, SysCtlClockGet (), SSI_FRF_MOTO_MODE_0, SSI_MODE_MASTER, 1000000, 8);
SSIEnable (SSI0_BASE);
while (SSIDataGetNonBlocking(SSI0_BASE, &pui32DataRx[0]))
/*pui32DataTx[0] = 0x00;
pui32DataTx[1] = 0x00;
for (ui32Index=0; ui32Index<NUM_BYTES_SSI; ui32Index++)
SSIDataPut (SSI0_BASE, pui32DataTx[ui32Index]);
while (SSIBusy(SSI0_BASE))
/*for (ui32Index=0; ui32Index<NUM_BYTES_SSI; ui32Index++)
SSIDataGet (SSI0_BASE, &pui32DataTx[ui32Index]);
//pui32DataRx[ui32Index] &= 0x00FF;
return 0;
I also would like to know is there's someway to run the code without using the Debud Mode.
Thanks in advanced,
Hi Alberto,
Regarding that message. This is safe to ignore. If you do a search you will find many threads explaining this. Here is a single example:
It seems likely you are simply stopped in the runtime library.
Regarding run without using debug mode. What exactly are you looking for/trying to do? If you mean simply load code, yes there are at least two or three options for flash programming. One I recommend is the free tool from elprotronic (
Best Regards,
Thanks for your answer Lisa. Just after I wrote this post, I found lots of threads with the same problem just like you said. The code works perfectly ignoring the error.
I have another question not related to this thread, but I'll post it here anyways: for SSI (SPI) transmission I need to get the SS (Slave Select or Chip Select) pin to go low and I cannot manage to do that. I've checked all the SSI examples codes from TivaWare C Series 2.0 but I found nothing. I've check the ssi.h API as well. Hope you can help me.
Thanks in advance,
Hi Alberto,
I would post your new question in the TIVA forum.
Best Regards,