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Memory Allocation Guidelines? (dupe post)

Guru 15580 points

Pardon the duplicate post from the C55xx forum, but it's very quiet over there.....:(


Are there published guidelines for where to allocate the various memory sections of the C5515? I am struggling to squeeze all of my code into available memory and specifically wonder if it is OK to put .const and .bss into SARAM? When I do this, things start getting a bit squirrely.

Below is the allocation that worked until my code got too large to fit.

.bss : > DARAM
vectors : > VEC ALIGN = 256
.stack : > DARAM 
.sysstack : > DARAM
.sysmem : > DARAM
.text : > SARAM
.data : > DARAM 
.cinit : > SARAM
.const : > DARAM
.cio : > SARAM
.switch : > DARAM