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I am trying to build my project from command line (cmd box under windows 7).
It seems to work but the -noSplash option is of no use (I still see the splash screen wether or nor I add this option).
As my final goal is to port this build script to a remote build server with no UI and no opened session (WS 2012 R2), it can be annoying.
Is there a way to really disable all UI interaction ?
Best regards.
the command line I typed is:
> ccs-build.cmd
(with no parameter)
and the script is:
@echo off set eclipse=D:\TI\ccsv5\eclipse for /f "usebackq" %%F in (`dir /b /s *.project`) do ( %eclipse%\eclipsec –noSplash -data ccs_workspace -application com.ti.ccstudio.apps.projectImport -ccs.location %%~dpF ) %eclipse%\eclipsec –noSplash -data ccs_workspace -application com.ti.ccstudio.apps.projectBuild -ccs.workspace
for each eclipsec passed, a splash screen is seen.
Thank you for the cut and paste of your script. When I cut and paste your script to my environment, I can reproduce the issue. When I turn echo on, I can see why. It is not a proper dash infront of noSplash. When I modify the script and replace the character with a proper dash, the issue goes away:
Give that a try and see if that works for you.
Thank you Ki.
After dash replacement, it works also for me.
The issue was due to a copy/paste from