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Code Composer Studio Miriad of Problems in Ubuntu

I have Code Composer Studio newly installed on Ubuntu 14.04 and 15.10.  Both show the same problems.  They are manifold:

  1. None of the example projects or documentation will display in CCSV6.  You can select them, but nothing is ever displayed, PDF or examples.  See below:

  • 2. When you go to the CCS App Center, nothing is displayed, but the blank background. I won't bother submitting a screenshot, because the forum got messed up when I did that above.
    3. When I make a new MSP432 driverlib project with the driverlib source included, I can browse to the directory, and see the files there, and the Build Settings show them included. I can even use the eclipse IDE to go to Definition and it finds them, but the compiler won't (neither GCC or TI). For example it is looking for adc14.h and it is right there! Same for wdt_a.h. Here is the error I get:
    ../driverlib/MSP432P4xx/wdt_a.c:41:19: fatal error: wdt_a.h: No such file or directory
    #include <wdt_a.h>
    Code Composer Studio used to be good, but after two days trying everything I can think of, I'm frustrated.

    The Cloud version does seem to work for me, but I would really prefer the desktop application. Is there a place to report bugs besides this forum?


  • Rob,

    I am very sorry about the delayed reply here. This thread seems to have fallen through the cracks and got missed.

    Are you still experiencing these issues with CCS on Ubuntu? 

    For issues 1. and 2. with Resource Explorer and App Center, this has come up a couple of times before and has been related to missing dependent libraries. Could you please take a look at these two threads and see if the suggestions there help:

    Rob Frohne said:
    3. When I make a new MSP432 driverlib project with the driverlib source included, I can browse to the directory, and see the files there, and the Build Settings show them included. I can even use the eclipse IDE to go to Definition and it finds them, but the compiler won't (neither GCC or TI). For example it is looking for adc14.h and it is right there! Same for wdt_a.h. Here is the error I get:
    ../driverlib/MSP432P4xx/wdt_a.c:41:19: fatal error: wdt_a.h: No such file or directory

    Can you post the full output of the CCS build console? That will show us what options are being passed to the compiler and what could be missing.

  • Hi AartiG,

    I was able to resolve the problems by importing the projects using the File->Import... menu, and browsing to the MSPWare_3_20_00_37 and finding the examples folder and importing them that way.  After importing them, I had to go the project Build Settings, and correct the Includes to have on the top of the list driverlib/inc/ and driverlib/driverlib/MSP432P4xx/ directories.  Then things build okay.  It took me a while to figure this out, but this work around has sufficed for me for the present.



  • Glad to hear that you were able to move ahead by importing projects via the CCS menu. Thanks for the update.