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Gui composer crashes with any graph widget or widget resize

Gui composer, for some reason, is freezing completely when trying to load any html file with a graph widget, wen importing a graph widget to any html file, or when re-sizing any widget.

I have tried creating new projects, reinstalling CCS, deleting all C:\ti files and folders, and the ccs workspace and then reinstalling (latest version all updates). Same problem exists, even before importing the projects again, or modifying any setting.

  • Simon,

    Which version of CCS/GUI Composer are you using? Have you also tried with a new CCS workspace? Does this issue happen only with graph widgets?

    I know I have used the graph widget with several CCSv6 versions without issues, but if you provide your exact versions I can see if I can reproduce the issue.
  • I am using the most recent versions of everything, all updates. As i said, i have reinstalled CCS twice. I have tried deleting the entire workspace, once while reinstalling for a clean install. I Deleted settings files, metadata folders, and tried running the exe with a -clean console command. Still the same problem. currently my workspace has nothing in it bar a gui composer test project, and i am still having the same problem. 

  • Also, loading any graph widget , or any html file with a graph widget, crashes the GUI composer. Re-sizing a widget of any time also causes a crash, but importing the widget works fine.
  • Simon,

    Can you clarify what you mean crash, is CCS crash or GUI Composer view when blank? Would you be able to export the GUI Composer project and attach it here? I know it is a simple project, but I like to take a look at the project itself to see if there is anything not correctly generated with your setup.


  • I can also confirm that there are no problem on other computers, and that not installing any updates doesn't help. The problem only exists with widgets for the gui composer pallete, over a certain size. 

    I tried another clean install, but the only files i could find to delete are in the workspace and the install folder - i couldn't find any registry keys or anything. Is there anything else i can delete to clean out the CCS files?

  • Its not a specific project - I deleted every remnant of CCS i could find, reinstalled, ran with clean command, and made a brand new gui compsoer project in an empty workspace. Same problem.

    CCS itself deoesnt crash, only GUI composer. I can close GUI composer and reopen it from inside CCS with no problem. It seems to have a problem with widgets from the GUI composer pallet only, when they are larger than 256 pixels (exactly)
  • I am able to drag a LineGraph, Analog Gauge, and a Button from the GUI Composer palette, and enlarge it without a crash. It would be helpful if you can create a sample app that causes the crash and attach it here. Thanks!


  • I dont think this will help, but here it is anyway. This app is basically empty, but if i try to enlarge either widget the "design" tab crashes ("source" works fine).  I am almost sure this has to be a bug, and i think the only way to solve it might be a clean install, but it isnt working. I dont know for sure if i am deleting everything that CCS creates.

  • HI Simon,
    Is your OS Windows or Linux?

  • could you provide me with locations of every folder that CCS installs files to so i can completely remove it before reinstalling? Its impossible for me to be sure i have everything otherwise, and previous attempts have failed

  • After a huge amount of wasted time, I fixed the issue (if it ever crops up again): GUI composer does not work correctly with AMD switchable graphics, set to high power (i.e. the graphics settings asked CCS to go through the dedicated graphics card, and not the integrated intel graphics, in a Laptop that has access to both