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How to clear Eclipse caches

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2650, CCSTUDIO


currently I port a project for a cc2650 from ble stack 2.1 to 2.2. Before I've started the port, I branched the project to an own branch for the port. The porting requires a lot file to be renamed. Now, I switch back to the old branch and the build fails because it tries to build some of the new named file. This files are _not_ contained in .project file and removing them by hand does not result in a change of any project files. 

So it looks like ecplise (CCS) is caching something. I found that eclipse can be called with a "-clean" parameter to rebuild caches, but using that parameter on ccstudio.exe has no effect.

How can I clear the eclipse cache, when using CCS?

Version: under Windows 7

Thanks in advance and kind regards,


p.s.: Sorry, I quit sure that this is a faq, but I was not able to find something, using the forum search.