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I am using CCS v, XDS560v2 and TI emulator package v 6.0.407.3.
When I try to step into or step over my code, I am getting below error: line 1095: E_hardFault: FORCED line 1207: E_usageFault: NOCP: Attempting to use co-processor
Exception occurred in background thread at PC = 0x8006e948.
Core 0: Exception occurred in ThreadType_Task.
Task name: {unknown-instance-name}, handle: 0x80744c94.
One interesting observation is that Run to line(Ctrl + R) or free run(F8) is working fine for the same binary.
Rishabh Garg said:When I try to step into or step over my code, I am getting below error:
The default debug properties for a CCS project under Program/Memory Load Options is that:Rishabh Garg said:One interesting observation is that Run to line(Ctrl + R) or free run(F8) is working fine for the same binary.
a) Interrupts are disabled when Assembly Stepping or when Source Stepping.
b) Interrupts are not disabled when Running.
I think that for some reason when you try stepping into or stepping over your code that the CCS debugger is disabling and then re-enabling interrupts which leads to the SYS/BIOS exception.
On a AM4378 target I have seen CCS disabling interrupts when stepping cause issues - see CCS 6.1.1 debugger Step Over of a blocking function call in a TI-RTOS based AM4378 program hangs
If you change the CCS project properties to NOT disable interrupts when Assembly Stepping or Source Stepping does that avoid the SYS/BIOS exception?
This does sound like a bug in CCS 6.1. Can you enable CCS Debug Server Logging and attach the log file for the failure case where a SYS/BIOS exception occurs when Step Into or Step Over is used.Rishabh Garg said:Shouldn't this be fixed in CCS6.1?
Also, are you able to attach a SYS/BIOS project which shows the problem?
I don't have a CCS project that shows the problem. I am running makefie based example on TDA2xx-EVM.
I have shared the debug log at: \\a0132235pc\Shared\CCS_debug.
Since I am not a TI employee I can't access the internal TI network. Is it possible you can zip up the CCS debug server log and attach to the forum?Rishabh Garg said:I have shared the debug log at: \\a0132235pc\Shared\CCS_debug.
OK, are you running a unmodified makefile example for the TDS2xx EVM and if so which one?Rishabh Garg said:I am running makefie based example on TDA2xx-EVM.