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CCS: CCS 7.0 Install Issues on 4k (3840 x 2160) System

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

My new Dell XPS 15 Laptop has a 3840 x 2160 screen resolution; this caused issues of tiny icons in CCS 6 that were apparently going to be fixed in CCS 7 by the use of a more up to date version of Eclipse.  Now I see that CCS 7 is released, I tried to install but couldn't get bast the very beginning install screens as I can't see the check boxes and I can't make the dialog box bigger.  See picture.

Any ideas?

  • Quick idea to solve the immediate issue of the screen in question: 

        1. Post a reply with the families that you require to be installed

        2. TI respond with key sequence (e.g. tab, spacebar, tab, tab, etc) to select the relevant check-boxes 

        3. You try and let respond if  it works and if CCS7 works with your resolution.

    (I myself won't be installing v7 till after the holiday break now, but maybe TI would be kind enough to supply the info for step 2)

  • Toby, thanks for the suggestion.  The processors I'm working with right now are MSP430 and C2000.  Keystroke sequences to enable these would be appreciated.


  • Ted,

    We should be able to put together a command line for you to run that will install MSP430 and C2000. I will look into this and get back to you.

  • Here is what I want to respond with but I am having trouble so I will have to come back to it.

    To do this it is necessary to create something called a response file.  The response file contains all of your installation options and then you pass that file to the installer.

    To generate the file I ran the installer on my machine with these options ccs_setup_7.0.0.00042.exe --save-response-file C:\Temp\response.txt --skip-install true

    I had that last option to skip doing the actual install since I have CCS installed.  I have zipped the generated response file and attached it to this thread.

    Then to perform the actual install run the following

    ccs_setup_7.0.0.00042.exe --mode unattended --response-file c:\Temp\response.txt

    I have the installation directory set in the response file so you may want to edit that.  It is setup to install MSP430 and C2000.

    So instead what you can do is this:

    Run the installer

    Click yes on the dialog that prompts if you are sure you want to run it

    Next a dialog will pop up detecting your virus scanner and suggesting to shut it off.  Click Enter to close

    It will come back and say your anti virus is still running.  Click Enter to close

    Tab, Tab, Space. Tab, Tab, Tab, Space to accept the license

    Space to install in C:\ti OR

    If you want to change the dir then.

    Tab, Tab, type dir, tab, tab, tab, space

    Tab, Tab, down arrow, space (selects MSP430)

    down arrow, down arrow, space (selects C2000) 

    tab, tab, tab, space

    tab, space (to start install)

  • I was able to get the response file method to work. My shell was just case sensitive.

    I ran cc_setup_7.0.0.00042.exe --mode unattended --response-file C:\Temp\response.txt
  • Thanks guys, I'm on a Caribbean cruise with sl oo ooo w internet but wanted to say that it looks like your response file method will solve my immediate issue.  I'm back home on 26th so I'll try it then.

    Happy holidays :D

  • Ted,

    Let me know how it goes. I can create different response files if needed. One workaround that was suggested that I need to find a high res screen on to try is to disable outscaling in the graphics settings. This would likely make the font in the installer look pretty small but would likely be readable.

    Happy Holidays to you as well.

  • Sorry, I got sick and didn't try this until today when the zip file wasn't available. I tried the tab tab xxx method but it seems to get hung up on asking for the debuggers and shuts down. Can you please re-post that response file and I'll try again?
  • Ted,

    Here is the command to try

    cc_setup_7.0.0.00042.exe --mode unattended --response-file C:\Temp\response.txt

    Here is a zip of the response file.

    We think the issue is related to auto-scaling of text.  If the response file doesn't work you could try adjusting the text display settings.



  • Thank you John.

    I tried the tiny ant-sized font approach but all the windows scaled as well so I had the same problem but much smaller. After a couple of false starts with the unattended install method (before I realised that the command needs to start with ccs_setup) and another couple (before realising that the full path to the response file is compulsory even if it is in the same directory as the installer) it installed and runs. I do have an issue with the resource explorer window in that it seems to be a fixed proportion of the main window and it is cramped and unpleasant to use, see picture. Squishing the Project Explorer pane makes it usable (just).

    I have built and run a launchpad example and also another example via my (now newly upgraded) MSP-FET430UIF so overall I am pretty happy with the current state of afffairs.

    Best regards, John

  • John Linsley said:
    I do have an issue with the resource explorer window in that it seems to be a fixed proportion of the main window and it is cramped and unpleasant to use, see picture.


    This is another issue with high resolution displays that we are tracking internally. For your reference, the tracking # is REX-1124.

  • I'm concluding that CCS doesn't install on systems with high DPI displays? The solution is to make that obvious to the CCS users.

  • You can install on a 4K display but it is not simple.  I have updated the CCS download page to highlight this.  The team is working to come up with a solution but I agree that for now we need to let people know before they install.



  • The best way to solve it on Windows 10 is

    1. Disable scaling (set to 100%)

    2. Go to Display settings - at the bottom there is an "Advanced display settings" test line you can click on. Click on it! 

    3. On most PC's you can there select a lower resolution. Select one that is a multiple of your current screen - or something like 1920x1080. Then the Display itself will scale without windows but it will look blurry while you do it.

    4. Log out and log in again to make certain all effects of scaling are done

    5. Install CCS

    6. Run CCS... Complete all updates etc and extra's installs. 

    7. When CCS is setup completely - reverse the procedure

    8. So go into Display Settings/Advanced display settings - set resolution to "real " display resolution

    9. Go to scaling and reset your scaling settings.

    10. Log out - and login again to fully enable scaling.

    But to be honest - to have that bad scaling issues now about 3-5 years after 4k screens came out - shows that QC at TI is not really in place :(

    I had to try 8-9 times before I could install on my ThinkPad P70. I finally got it installed from "Full installer" download - but now no updates will install? I get URL errors.

    CCS has become too "complex" and relies on too many staging servers with too many issues. The basic principle of KISS has not been followed. Just look through this forum and see all the bug reports related to CCS 7. Scaling issues should NOT happen in 2017. Running CCS on a scaled screen is to be honest a PITA - that should have been solved in v7 according to TI promises. But almost nothing have changed. 

    Dear TI - scaling is here - deal with it. A developer might even have multiple screens - some with 200% scaling - others with 125% scaling and some with 100% scaling - all on the same PC. Windows and MOST applications can handle it. But CCS can not at all. Any app should be able to be moved from a scaled display of 200% and dragged to another display with 125% or 100% scaling - without any issue. But that is not the case. 

    Icons should scale - buttons should scale - but that does not happen either. You try to debug on a 17" 4K screen with CCS.......

    CCS v7 has been rushed out - and result is a deeply flawed product. So now i'm looking elsewhere as this is unbearable. Even XC compliers/IDE is starting to look good from here. I will loose about 6-8 months of development work changing processors and RTOS - but right now that is what is in the cards.