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CCS: Least Mean Square System identification (magnitude and phase response)

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

The result of input coefficient magnitude and phase response plotted in MATLAB and  this is the output coefficient magnitude and phase response generated from CCS and plotted in MATLAB   Can someone explain me why the output phase response is so much different when magnitude is the same. 

Thank you.

  • Hi,

    >> this is the output coefficient magnitude and phase response generated from CCS and plotted in MATLAB
    Given that CCS itself does not have a signal generator, I assume you are generating this in code.

    >>Can someone explain me why the output phase response is so much different when magnitude is the same.
    The answer to this question is exclusively dependent on the LMS algorithm implementation you are using, and simply looking at the graphs will not be very fruitful to find any bugs. All in all, I don't think this forum is the most appropriate place for this question but instead a DSP filters/math forum or teaching course.

  • Thank you for your response, yes you assumption is correct. we write a code in CCS to generate pseudo random noise. I have posted this question in other forums too and waiting for their responses. Can you guess or give me any hint what causing this problem. when we read the coefficients file in notepad, we observe that both the files input/output have nearly equal values.