Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSBIOS
Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler
I've ported a program from GCC to the TI compiler and have been unable to set _c_int00 to address 0x80000000. How is this done?
I've consulted all the manuals for the compiler, for XDC, searched the forums and the FAQ here:
On GCC the address was set in the *.CFG with the following code:
Program.sectMap[".c_int00"] = new Program.SectionSpec();
Program.sectMap[".c_int00"].loadAddress = 0x80000000;
Program.sectMap[".c_int00"].runAddress = 0x80000000;
Under the TI compiler, it adds a line to the linker script:
.c_int00: load > 0x80000000, run > 0x80000000
The end result is the same though - the linker assigns the wrong address as shown below in this fragment of the map file:
ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: "_c_int00" address: 8518c020
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions as to how to resolve this issue.
The tools I am using are:
TI Compiler v5.2.5
XDC Tools
CPU is AM335x
I've attached a copy of the linker script and map file.
/* * Do not modify this file; it is automatically generated from the template * linkcmd.xdt in the ti.targets.elf package and will be overwritten. */ /* * put '"'s around paths because, without this, the linker * considers '-' as minus operator, not a file name character. */ -l"C:\Users\astevenson\TIWorkspace\xDEV\Debug\configPkg\package\cfg\bigtime_pea8f.oea8f" -l"C:\Users\astevenson\TIWorkspace\xDEV\src\sysbios\sysbios.aea8f" -l"C:\ti\bios_6_42_03_35\packages\ti\targets\arm\rtsarm\lib\ti.targets.arm.rtsarm.aea8f" -l"C:\ti\bios_6_42_03_35\packages\ti\targets\arm\rtsarm\lib\boot.aea8f" -l"C:\ti\bios_6_42_03_35\packages\ti\targets\arm\rtsarm\lib\auto_init.aea8f" --retain="*(xdc.meta)" /* C6x Elf symbols */ --symbol_map __TI_STACK_SIZE=__STACK_SIZE --symbol_map __TI_STACK_BASE=__stack --symbol_map _stack=__stack --args 0x0 -heap 0x0 -stack 0x100000 MEMORY { SRAM_LO (RWX) : org = 0x402f0000, len = 0x400 SRAM_HI (RWX) : org = 0x402f0400, len = 0xfc00 OCMC_SRAM (RWX) : org = 0x40300000, len = 0x10000 DDR3 (RWX) : org = 0x80000000, len = 0x40000000 } /* * Linker command file contributions from all loaded packages: */ /* Content from xdc.services.global (null): */ /* Content from xdc (null): */ /* Content from xdc.corevers (null): */ /* Content from xdc.shelf (null): */ /* Content from xdc.services.spec (null): */ /* Content from xdc.services.intern.xsr (null): */ /* Content from xdc.services.intern.gen (null): */ /* Content from xdc.services.intern.cmd (null): */ /* Content from xdc.bld (null): */ /* Content from ti.targets (null): */ /* Content from ti.targets.arm.elf (null): */ /* Content from xdc.rov (null): */ /* Content from xdc.runtime (null): */ /* Content from ti.targets.arm.rtsarm (null): */ /* Content from ti.sysbios.interfaces (null): */ /* Content from ti.sysbios.family (null): */ /* Content from ti.sysbios.family.arm (ti/sysbios/family/arm/linkcmd.xdt): */ --retain "*(.vecs)" /* Content from xdc.services.getset (null): */ /* Content from ti.sysbios.family.arm.a8 (null): */ /* Content from ti.sysbios.rts (ti/sysbios/rts/linkcmd.xdt): */ /* Content from xdc.runtime.knl (null): */ /* Content from ti.catalog.arm.cortexa8 (null): */ /* Content from ti.catalog.peripherals.hdvicp2 (null): */ /* Content from ti.catalog (null): */ /* Content from xdc.platform (null): */ /* Content from xdc.cfg (null): */ /* Content from ti.platforms.generic (null): */ /* Content from ADK_14P0062C (null): */ /* Content from ti.sysbios (null): */ /* Content from ti.sysbios.hal (null): */ /* Content from ti.sysbios.knl (null): */ /* Content from ti.sysbios.gates (null): */ /* Content from ti.sysbios.heaps (null): */ /* Content from ti.sysbios.family.arm.exc (null): */ /* Content from ti.sysbios.family.arm.a8.intcps (ti/sysbios/family/arm/a8/intcps/linkcmd.xdt): */ ti_sysbios_family_arm_a8_intcps_Hwi_intc = 0x48200000; /* Content from ti.sysbios.xdcruntime (null): */ /* Content from ti.sysbios.utils (null): */ /* Content from configPkg (null): */ /* Content from xdc.services.io (null): */ /* * symbolic aliases for static instance objects */ xdc_runtime_Startup__EXECFXN__C = 1; xdc_runtime_Startup__RESETFXN__C = 1; TSK_idle = ti_sysbios_knl_Task_Object__table__V + 0; SECTIONS { .text: load >> DDR3 .stack: load > DDR3 GROUP: load > DDR3 { .bss: .neardata: .rodata: } .binit: load > DDR3 .cinit: load > DDR3 .init_array: load > DDR3 .const: load >> DDR3 .data: load >> DDR3 .fardata: load >> DDR3 .switch: load >> DDR3 .sysmem: load > DDR3 .far: load >> DDR3 .args: load > DDR3 align = 0x4, fill = 0 {_argsize = 0x0; } .cio: load >> DDR3 .ARM.exidx: load > DDR3 .ARM.extab: load >> DDR3 .c_int00: load > 0x80000000, run > 0x80000000 .vecs: load > DDR3 ti.sysbios.family.arm.a8.mmuTableSection: load > DDR3, type = NOINIT xdc.meta: load > DDR3, type = COPY }