We are having a similar issue.
We are using CCSv7 Version and have several projects in the workspace, which share most of their source files.
The reason for the several projects is that we are developing some boards with various TM4C129 and TM4C123 parts, depending on which features each board has. We also use several TI LaunchPads to develop / test / debug parts of our code. So this means there are four ways our code can run:
- TM4C129ENCPDT on the EK-TM4C129EXL LaunchPad
- TM4C129ENCPDT on our board
- TM4C123GH6PM on the EK-TM4C123GXL LaunchPad
- TM4C123AH6PM (notice the slightly different part number) on our board
It's (mostly) the same code. Only the C startup file and linker scripts are different. A single preprocessor define set at the project level tells our code which circuit board it is being compiled for, and then compile-time preprocessor logic (lots of #ifdef / #endif) in a "Configure.h" file sets all the other defines that affect GPIO mapping, etc.
To make things more interesting, we are compiling with both TI (ti-cgt-arm_16.9.3.LTS) and GCC (gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_9-2015q3) for comparison / testing / profiling / portability purposes. So this means we have four build configurations in each project: Debug, Release, Debug__GNU, and Release__GNU.
Since there are four different boards and four build configurations each, we opted to create four separate projects rather than one complicated project with sixteen different build configurations.
But we're having the problem that launching a debug session will often launch it for the wrong project, which, just like in Janos's case, will likely remove the magic smoke from our boards.
So here's the workaround we're using: In our workspace, we only allow one project to be "open" at a time. When we switch to a different board, we right-click each project in Project Explorer and tell it to Close Project. This seems to work around the issue and has so far launched the debugger with the correct project.
I hope this post is helpful and I hope the CCS team is able to track this down and fix it, since Janos's post was from CCSv5.5 and CCSv7 still suffers from this.
Software versions:
- CCSv7 Version
- Windows 10 x64 Version 1607 Build 14393.1358
- Java Version 8 Update 131 Build 1.8.0_131-b11
Please let us know if you need more information.