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Compiler/TMS320F28377D: Guidelines for Floating Point development

Part Number: TMS320F28377D

Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler

Hello everyone.

I would like to ask, if there are some advice or guides how to develope software for C28-based controllers with FPU. I am asking this, because i faced a problem some time ago:

At our projects we usuale operate with data structures (like PID structure from TI MC lib or else). And I found out, that the CPU spends lots of time on copying variables from RAM to FPU registers. So the code that manipulates with varibles inside structures takes too much time. It can be accelerated by copiyng variables from structure into local varibles, manipulating with them, and then copying results back to structure members.

Is there anything else that should be taken into account when software with floating point is developed?

Thank you