Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler
Hi expert,
My customer generate S19 firmware in CCS using our CG_TOOL_HEX tool, but we didn't know what parameters we should use to generate the desired type of S19.
On customer side, the generate S19 in below format. the byte count is 0x22 which make the end 24bit address not even.
They would like to create S19 like below.
I tried to get this using below instruction, but I don't know if it is right or not. Please help me.
"${CG_TOOL_HEX}.exe" -m2 --byte -memwidth 16 -romwidth 32 -order LS -exclude".trace" -exclude".args" -exclude"passwords" -exclude"csm_rsvd" -map"${BuildArtifactFileBaseName}.mxp" "${BuildArtifactFileName}" & del ${BuildArtifactFileBaseName}.s19 & ren ${BuildArtifactFileBaseName}.m00 ${BuildArtifactFileBaseName}.s19