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CCS/MSP430F6779A: UART logger idle /Serial terminal console not displaying any data

Part Number: MSP430F6779A
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-EXP430F5529LP

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


I am working in a project with msp430f6779a , using TI Rtos and logger configured for loggeridle using uart . Some print logs has been implemented in code , but when i connect nothing is there in rtos analyzer print and error log. Even the raw data terminal also not showing any data. If i connect the same serial port to any other viewer applications like hyper terminal or docklight its displaying the data(Not in an human readable form) . 

It seems like , ccs is not reading any data from configured serial port. The same issue is there with serial terminal also. 

Please help.



  • Sreekanth,

    The explanation as to why the UART gathers binary data is shown at the following thread:

    The thread above has a few additional tips to try and debug this issue.

    What version of CCS are you using? TI-RTOS for MSP430 is rather old (2016) and not supported anymore.

    Hope this helps,
  • Hi,

    I have tried the above threads,but its not working.

    I have tried with CCS7, 8 and 9 versions in windows 10. Please note Iam using TI v16.9.6 lts version compiler which is available with ccs7(because other versions like 18 have some issues . In _c_int00() after _system_pre_init its jumping to 0x0004 and looping there ).

    The serial terminal issue is still with ccs , like i told you earlier the serial terminal is not showing any data that is transmitted over the configured com port.(Also i fear the the debug data that has been transmitted is not correct ,if we collect the data using other serial terminal applications, there are no human readable format data in it)

    For your reference iam attaching the test logging project along with this. I am using uart idle logger interface for a better debugging and configured the cfg file according to . From your side please help me to confirm weather the attached cfg file in project is configured correctly or not. Also please confirm weather the ccs have any issues with UART/serial logger interface.


    Please help


    Sreekanth MK

  • Hi,

    I have tried the above threads,but its not working.

    I have tried with CCS7, 8 and 9 versions in windows 10. Please note Iam using TI v16.9.6 lts version compiler which is available with ccs7(because other versions like 18 have some issues . In _c_int00() after _system_pre_init its jumping to 0x0004 and looping there ).

    The serial terminal issue is still with ccs , like i told you earlier the serial terminal is not showing any data that is transmitted over the configured com port.(Also i fear the the debug data that has been transmitted is not correct ,if we collect the data using other serial terminal applications, there are no human readable format data in it)

    For your reference iam attaching the test logging project along with this. I am using uart idle logger interface for a better debugging and configured the cfg file according to . From your side please help me to confirm weather the attached cfg file in project is configured correctly or not. Also please confirm weather the ccs have any issues with UART/serial logger interface.



    Sreekanth MK

  • Sreekanth,

    Please apologize for the delay.

    Thanks for sending the project and I was able to build it. Unfortunately I couldn't yet source a fully functional target board to run it and see the result.

    I can see that you based your project in the uartlogging example and I can't necessarily see anything particularly problematic with it - although I am not the most versed on the device itself.

    I then tested the same project in a simple Launchpad (MSP-EXP430F5529LP) and was able to gather some UART output in binary form. This is expected as the function UARTUtils_loggerIdleInit() in both our projects sets the binary mode to true. 

    With this in mind, I can't help but wonder if there is an issue with the configured COM port in CCS or perhaps some other application that may be hijacking the UART port and preventing CCS from displaying anything, given that any hardware malfunction seems implausible due to the other serial terminal programs showing something. 

    One additional detail is that your project sets the baud rate to 115200, but the default CCS terminal baud rate is 9600. That would prevent any meaningful displayed data. 

    Apart from this, I can't necessarily pinpoint any other issues with the project itself. I will try to contact other folks that are more experienced than I in the device and the TI-RTOS and report back if there are any additional relevant details. 



  • Dear Rafael,

    Thanks for your replay.

    Happy to see the code is working at your side. I will check the points that you noted . Could you kindly share the version of CCS and TI Compiler that you used for build at your side?? Also in your screenshot ,bottom right corner, its showing full license, in my ccs window its not there. why is it so??


    Sreekanth MK

  • Hi Sreekanth,

    You will not see human readable data in the terminal window because the Log data is sent out in a format that has to be processed by RTOS Analyzer.  Can you try LoggerStopMode and see if that works?



  • Sreekanth,

    I was able to source a MSP430F6779A and ran your project. Unfortunately it did not work here at all - in other words, neither the CCS terminal nor any other terminal program was able to display any data. I even tried to set part of the settings of the uartLogging example deisgned for the F5529 into your project to no avail.

    This indicates to me the issue is in your code, therefore I may have to defer this to other folks more experienced with this architecture.

  • Hi Rafael,

    Thank you for confirming the issue. Will wait for your replay.


    Sreekanth MK

  • Hi Janet,
    Thank you for your replay.Yes i know it wont be in a full human readable form. For logger stop mode its working fine, but in my case i prefer to have run time debugging. For stop mode iam missing lot of events and there is't much ram left for increasing the size for logger buffer.

    Sreekanth MK
  • Hi Sreekanth,

    Good to know LoggerStopMode is working.

    When you use LoggerIdle, can you try bringing up the Execution Graph in RTOS Analyzer?  Does that show anything?  If not, can you look in the Live Session window of RTOS Analyzer and see if you get anything showing up there?

    If you don't see anything in the Live Session window, can you try running the uartecho example to see if that works.   This would verify that the UART communication is working.

