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CCS/CCSTUDIO: Code Composer Studio Mac OS print PDF

Part Number: CCSTUDIO

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Dear technical support team,

I'm working with Code Composer Studio v9.10 on Mac OS. I would like to print my file.c but I can't.
When I used Code Composer Studio in Win7, I did it thanks to PDF Creator (I printed it in PDF selecting "PDF creator" like printer).
Now, how can I do?

Best regards,

Matteo Mattiazzo

  • Matteo,

    Are you looking to save the .c file as PDF or to send it directly to your printer?

    To sent a file to your printer just select Print from the file menu, make sure your printer is selected and click print.

    If you want to instead save as pdf just select that in the bottom left:

    On windows PDF creator sets itself up as a printer.  I don't know if it does that on Mac.  This is not a function of CCS.



  • I haven't added a printer! Now, adding a ghost printer, it works properly! Thanks John!