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CCS/TMS320F280049C: System Configuration Tool option no longer visible when trying to compile static library for EABI output format

Part Number: TMS320F280049C
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

I have a CCS static library project that generates a .lib output. The project is a sysconfig based project. I am trying to create an eabi version of the sysconfig based library project but the moment I select the C2000 compiler 18.12.3.LTS with eabi support, the option to disappears from the project and I'm no longer to able open the sysonfig file.

I tried deleting the syscfg file and readding it to the project but the syscfg file is not detected and the tool option is not visible in project properties.

How can I go about creating an eabi version of my library object that has a sysconfig file? Thanks!

  • Ozino,

    Support for using SysConfig tool with static library projects is currently not enabled in CCS. Having said that though, we'd like to better understand what you are trying to do.

    Are you trying to port an existing Sysconfig based project from another device family to C2000? What is the project you are starting with - is it a TI example syscfg project or one that you created, and is it an executable project or library project? If you could either share the project or provide more details on what you are looking to achieve that may help us point you in the right direction.

  • Aarti,

    I have migrated a project based on a previous tool in CCSv5 to one that is now in Sysconfig. One of my CCS projects is a library project that is sysconfig based. I am able to build and generate a library object (.lib) using legacy COFF and compiler c2000 v18.1.4.LTS. This is with CCSv9.1.

    My issue occurs when I attempt to switch compilers or the output type. I noticed that th system configuration tool is disabled and i'm no longer able to open the sysconfig project. It generates the following error when I attempt to open the file with the option disabled:

    Can you provide guidance on how to properly create a sysconfig based static library CCS project. I've tried creating a new project by the system configuration tool option is not enables as soon as I add a syscfg file in a project.\



  • Ozino Odharo said:
    I have migrated a project based on a previous tool in CCSv5 to one that is now in Sysconfig. One of my CCS projects is a library project that is sysconfig based. I am able to build and generate a library object (.lib) using legacy COFF and compiler c2000 v18.1.4.LTS. This is with CCSv9.1.

    Could you share this sysconfig based library project with me? And how was the .syscfg file in this project created?
    I'm still not very clear how Sysconfig is being used in this project so having a look at the project might explain things better. You can email me the project directly. 

    Ozino Odharo said:
    I've tried creating a new project by the system configuration tool option is not enables as soon as I add a syscfg file in a project.\

    If the new project is a static library project then this is expected behavior as it is currently not supported by CCS. It will be supported in a future release, but in the short-term if we can understand the project and requirements better the Sysconfig experts might be able to provide alternate solutions.

  • Aarti,

    I followed up offline. Sysconfig is being used generate source code needed for the library modules. Do you have any idea why it would work with an older version of the compiler and break the moment I tried to switch toolchain versions and output format?



  • This issue was worked offline. In summary, support for using SysConfig tool with static library projects is currently not enabled in CCS. Support for this will be added in the upcoming 9.2.0 release.

    A temporary short-term workaround is to specify the sysconfig command as a pre-build step, however the SysConfig editor will still not be available.