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CCS/CC2642R: Lowering the power consumption of Project Zero example

Part Number: CC2642R
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ENERGYTRACE, CC2540

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


I'm trying to get a handle on using the CC2642 and I'm trying to setup a sample project that is showing off the low power nature of this microcontroller (I'd like to show something that is showing less than 1mW of power consumption with sparse Bluetooth messages).

I'm starting from the Project Zero example, but I'm having trouble getting it to be low power, and I'm wondering if maybe it's not entering sleep mode?

Here are my results for power consumption measured using the EnergyTrace feature in Code Composer (I'm using this with a CC26x2 LaunchPad (which actually has a CC2652 rev E on board):

With the Project Zero example unaltered, the power during advertising is ~2.7mW and the power during a connection with a phone is ~3.5mW.

To reduce I went into the syscfg file and changed the Tx power from 5dBm to 0dBm. However, the power consumption remained exactly the same.

I then changed the min and max connection interval from 15ms and 45ms to 800ms and 1000ms.

This slightly reduced the power consumption during the connected state from 3.5mW to 3.2mW, but this is still a huge amount of power for such a low connection interval.

Is there something else I should be doing to reduce the power? I was able to get lower power numbers using the very old CC2540, so I'm certain that I'm not doing something correctly.

Any help would be much appreciated!

  • Hi James,

    - I don't think you have properly change the TxPower of your device as this is supposed to play a significant role in the power consumption (by the way, the default TxPower is 0dBm). The following code snippet can be used to set the TxPower to 5dBm:


    - TI provides a tool to estimate the power consumption of a BLE device according to the setting selected:

    I hope this will help,

  • Hello Clement, thank you for the quick reply.

    Using that function you have provided, I cannot alter the power consumption of the Project Zero example. According to the tool you have referenced, the power consumption should definitely be lower than what I am observing.

    I've placed the HCI_EXT_SetTxPowerCmd call in the ProjectZero_init function after the ICall_registerApp function is called. In the case of 0dBm and 5dBm, the power consumption stays the same according to EnergyTrace.

    Could someone try recreating this scenario to make sure it's not just me?

  • Hi,

    Can you verify if you are measuring as advised the power consumption? This thread will provide you some advice if needed.
