Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
CCS 9.1 perhaps even earlier versions of debug array values are show both as decimal and hex, is not keeping consistent behavior making very confusing what is what and from where did it come. Was the input from outside world an 'A' or 0x41 that CCS has commandeered both times? I know it was 0x41 before it entered the CCS world but question 'A' since HexToDec() is choking on single pass reads of the array value.
Also the length of strings is showing values greater than the number of bytes being read. So hex 0x03 is 1 byte with an added terminator '\0' is 2 bytes and not 3 bytes as debug shows. Again if we try to put two characters into ticks for example '23' code analysis and build both show it as an potential porting warning. So is the backslash inside the null terminator ticks being counted as a byte but not allowed to be ported as two characters any other time? Oddly C++ study guide has no information on this subject of NULL terminator other than how it looks '\0' and strlen() adds it to the end of a string..