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CCS/TMS320VC5410A: Extended memory access fails on TMS320VC5410A

Part Number: TMS320VC5410A

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


I cannot access the extended memory on a TMS320VC5410A in a debug session.  I am using a  SEED XDS2XX USB JTAG emulator. 

Code Composer Stduio version:   Version:

 When I connect to the target (and before  load any code), I can  view and modify memory 0x0080~0xffff, but the extended memory in 18000~1ffffh cann't be modified, when modified a location, all the area are the same value(It seem no DRAM in the 18000~1ffffh).  Our  program text section are location at this extended memory.  When I  load the program to debug, It will fail with data verification error. 

I attached the Gel file here.

Best Regards!


  • Hi,

    Unfortunately I don't have this board to properly validate this. However, I see from the device's datasheet that the memory page must be configured in order to access extended memory. 

    In other words, it looks to me that you need to connect to the device, set the XPC to 1 and then load the program. 

    Hope this helps,


  • Dear Rafael,

    I connected to target and  modified the XPC value to 1 in CPU Registers (under PMR_VALUE) . There is still error as before   when loaded program or modified the extended memory (0x18000~0x1ffff) in Memory Browser.

    Best Regards!


  • Dudechao, 

    I don't know how you are generating your code, but I suspect your linker command file should allocate the entire program to the base memory address range (0x8000~0xFFFF), since the device does not access ranges higher than 64kiB and therefore the CCS program loader does not acknowledge the extended memroy range.  

    Unfortunately, since this device is unsupported, I won't be able to provide much further help at this point. You may want to find additional information in its technical documents or on the internet (there are training slides if you search for C54x design workshop). 



  • Rafael,

    Our Program is linked to extende memory with the 64K base memory as data memory.  Don't  the CCS  support to load program to the extended memory  and  emulate program? How should I debug my program with large memory area?

    Best Regards,


  • Dudechao,

    As I mentioned before, unfortunately this device is unsupported and I can't further support you apart from pointing what it is available on the internet.  

    From memory (it's been more than ten years that I worked with this device), the linker cmd file has page specifications for Program, Data and I/O memory, which need to be specified. Also, to load code to the upper memory ranges of the extended memory space, you would probably need to copy it using custom code in the lower memory space or manually pre-configuring the device before loading the code using CCS (as I hinted before). 

    You will have to look at the avaialble documentation and inquiries on the web to fully address this. I found just a few references:

    - Memory Space section of the Device's CPU and Peripherals Reference Set

    - App note: 

    - DSP Related discussion: 



  • Rafel,

    Thank you for your help!

    I can not debug the program with program in etended memory in CCS, Without CCS, can I   run the program with HPI load the program to extended memory if program is correct?  
