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Installation issue


I am installing PSPICE TI and:

Error Code: -5001 : 0x80070002
Error Information:
>setup.cpp (149)
@Windows 10 / Server 2016 Service Pack 0 (19042)
IE Version: 9.11.19041.0

any idea how to fix this?

  • It seems it was installed somehow, but when I launch it, I am getting this error:

    ERROR(ORCOMMN.12005): Unable to launch OrCAD Pspice TI. A valid license was not found at the <none> license server. Update the license server configuration to include OrCAD Pspice TI licenses.

    any idea how to fix this?

  • Hi Fausto,

    Did you install PSpice for TI for all users on the computer, or only for your specific account? Did your IT team install PSpice for TI for you? PSpice for TI is intended as a single-use installation, meaning only the intended user of the account can install and run PSpice for TI. It does not require admin privileges to install. 

    Do you have a license file at C:\Users\ < Your username > \AppData\Roaming\Cadence\VBL\TI_PSpice_174\license\license.txt ? Could you please share the file C:\Users\ < Your username > \AppData\Roaming\Cadence\PSpiceTIInstall\cdsPspiceTIlog.txt ? 

    Please also share a screenshot of the exact error message. 

    Thank you,


  • Hi Jackie

    Did you install PSpice for TI for all users on the computer, or only for your specific account?

    A:Only for my specific account.

    Did your IT team install PSpice for TI for you? 

    A: No, they did not, I did it by myself.

    Do you have a license file at C:\Users\ < Your username > \AppData\Roaming\Cadence\VBL\TI_PSpice_174\license\license.txt ? 

    A: Yes


  • Hi Fausto,

    Could you please also share the file C:\Users\ < Your username > \AppData\Roaming\Cadence\PSpiceTIInstall\cdsPspiceTIlog.txt ? I will open a case with Cadence. It is strange that PSpice for TI is not finding the license file, when it clearly exists. Did you install to a location in C: or somewhere else?

    Thank you,


  • Hi Jackie

    Here you are


    3:02:41 PM Tuesday, May 31, 2022 : parameter count = 1
    3:02:41 PM Tuesday, May 31, 2022 : -wrapper
    3:02:41 PM Tuesday, May 31, 2022 : Module Name: TIPSpice.exe
    3:02:41 PM Tuesday, May 31, 2022 : Server OS = False
    3:02:41 PM Tuesday, May 31, 2022 : Operating system version :
    3:02:41 PM Tuesday, May 31, 2022 : Checking for proxy
    3:02:42 PM Tuesday, May 31, 2022 : {
    "LibUpdate_DeltaZip": "",
    "LibUpdate_VersionTxt": "",
    "LibUpdate_UpdateDelta": "",
    "LibUpdate_UpdateConfig": "",
    "LibUpdate_LibMetadata": "",
    "LibFirstInstall_LibraryZip": "",
    "LibFirstInstall_LatestVersion": "17.40.006",
    "Installer_DownloadXML": "",
    "Installer_BasePath": "",
    "Installer_DownloadSetup": "",
    "Licensing_URL": "",
    "SoftwareUpdate_Expiry": {

    I installed it in C drive (C:\Users\uidu9768\AppData\Roaming\Cadence\PSpiceTIInstall)

  • Thanks so much! Please give me a few days and I will let you know the response from Cadence.

  • Hi Fausto,

    Do you also have Cadence SPB/OrCAD installed on your computer? Did you install with an old copy of the installation file?

    Thank you,


  • Hi Jackie

    I have PSPICE installed, not sure if it is what you mean.

    Did you install with an old copy of the installation file?

    A: I requested the SW and I received an email with instructions:

       <Image removed>

  • Hi Fausto,

    Please uninstall PSpice for TI. Please re-submit your request for PSpice for TI ( You will receive another email with a new access key and a new download link. 

    Please do not share your access key with anyone.

    Thank you,


  • Hi Jackie

    Done, waiting for the email.

  • Hello Jackie

      Same result, I installed it again , same error when launch it.

  • Hi Fausto,

    Cadence has recommended for you to set an environment variable and collect a log file. Please take the following steps:

    1. Search in the Start menu for “Edit Environment Variables for Your Account”
    2. In the Environment Variables window, click “New…” under the User variables section. This will open a New User Variable window
    3. New variable name:   CDS_LIC_QA_TesT
      New variable value:   C:\Cadence\qalog.txt
    4. Retry the installation. It will likely still fail.
    5. Please collect the file C:\Cadence\qalog.txt and share it with me. This will provide additional error information that I will share with Cadence. 

    Thank you,


  • Hi Jackie

    Here you are 

    <file removed> 

  • Hi Fausto,

    Thank you! I will let you know the response from Cadence.


  • Hello Jackie

      Just to know any news about this topic.


  • Hi Fausto,

    I do not have any update on this topic at the present time. The PSpice team at Cadence is based in India, and many people are out of office right now for the holidays in India. I will send them reminders in the meantime, but please allow some patience for delayed responses. 

    Thank you,


  • Hi Fausto,

    Are you still experiencing this problem? Cadence has thoroughly looked into the issue but they were not able to determine the cause of the problem. They would like to meet with you if possible. I will send you a private message on E2E in order to exchange contact info.

    Thank you,
