PSpice for TI Version: 17.4-2023-S009
I want to add a transformer to my design, but I have encountered a barrier. I understand that there are at least three methods for adding a transformer: 1) add the part from a library, 2) create the part through two or more inductors and then combing them them through a coupling part and K Statement, and then 3) using the Transformer Modeling Application. I'm interested in using the second method, using a coupling part with a K Statement. The coupling part is typically in the form of a KBreak or K_Linear symbol. The former symbol is in the magnetic library, while the later is in the analog library.
A "K Statement," also called a Mutual Inductance Statement, is typically written into a dialog box called "Edit Text on Schematic" with the Spice Directive radio button selected.
In this version of PSpice for TI, I cannot find a control for opening that dialog, and the help documentation seems to not have that information.
Can somebody please tell me how to access that dialog or how to add such a statement in this version of PSpice for TI?