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TIDA-020047: about the interface MMWave_configureAdvFrame

Part Number: TIDA-020047



Recently, while debugging the advanced frame mode, I encountered some issues when I came across this interface:


In  interface "MMWave_configureAdvFrame" :  the variable  can take a value of either 0 or 1.pstAdvFrameCfg = &ptrControlCfg->u.advancedFrameCfg[u32DevIdx].frameCfg;u32DevIdx

static int32_t MMWave_configureAdvFrame(MMWave_MCB * ptrMMWaveMCB, MMWave_CtrlCfg * ptrControlCfg, int32_t * errCode)
    MMWave_ProfileHandle  * ptrProfileHandle;
    rlAdvFrameCfg_t       * pstAdvFrameCfg;
    rlProfileCfg_t          stProfileCfg;
    int32_t  retVal;
    uint32_t u32ProfIdx;
    uint32_t u32SubFrIdx;
    uint32_t u32DevIdx;
    uint16_t u16MasterTriggerSelectCnf;
    uint16_t u16AdcDataType;
    uint16_t u16NumAdcSamples;
    uint8_t  u8DeviceMap;

    /* Get data to compute the value of the numAdcSamples parameter.
     * NOTE: It is assumed that all devices use the same number of ADC samples. */
    if(ptrMMWaveMCB->openCfg.adcOutCfg.fmt.b2AdcOutFmt == 0U)
        u16AdcDataType = 1U;    /* Data type = Real */
        u16AdcDataType = 2U;    /* Data type = Complex */

    /* Get the number of ADC samples (it is expected that all profiles across
     *   all devices have the same number) */
    ptrProfileHandle = &ptrControlCfg->u.advancedFrameCfg[ptrMMWaveMCB->openCfg.MasterDevIdx].profileHandle[0];

    for(u32ProfIdx = 0U; u32ProfIdx < MMWAVE_MAX_PROFILE; u32ProfIdx++)
        /* Check if this index holds a profile handle */
        if(ptrProfileHandle[u32ProfIdx] != NULL)
            /* Get the profile configuration */
            MMWave_getProfileCfg(ptrProfileHandle[u32ProfIdx], &stProfileCfg, errCode);

            /* Compute the number of ADC samples for the frame configuration */
            u16NumAdcSamples = u16AdcDataType * stProfileCfg.numAdcSamples;


    /* Loop across all devices to check the trigger select configuration */
    for(u32DevIdx = 0U; u32DevIdx < MMWAVE_RADAR_DEVICES; u32DevIdx++)
        /* Get the frame configuration of the device */
        pstAdvFrameCfg = &ptrControlCfg->u.advancedFrameCfg[u32DevIdx].frameCfg;

        if(u32DevIdx == (uint32_t) ptrMMWaveMCB->openCfg.MasterDevIdx)
            /* Master - Frame can be triggered by external trigger or by SW) */
            if(pstAdvFrameCfg->frameSeq.triggerSelect != (uint16_t) RL_FRAMESTRT_SYNCIN_TRIGGER)
                pstAdvFrameCfg->frameSeq.triggerSelect = (uint16_t) RL_FRAMESTRT_API_TRIGGER;

            u16MasterTriggerSelectCnf = pstAdvFrameCfg->frameSeq.triggerSelect;
            /* Slaves - Frame can be triggered only by external trigger */
            pstAdvFrameCfg->frameSeq.triggerSelect = (uint16_t) RL_FRAMESTRT_SYNCIN_TRIGGER;

    /* Loop across all devices to
     *   - check the sub-frame trigger configuration.
     *   - update the number of ADC sample for each sub-frame */
    for(u32DevIdx = 0U; u32DevIdx < MMWAVE_RADAR_DEVICES; u32DevIdx++)
        /* Get the frame configuration of the device */
        pstAdvFrameCfg = &ptrControlCfg->u.advancedFrameCfg[u32DevIdx].frameCfg;

        /* NOTE: The configuration HW or SW trigger for frames and no trigger for sub-frames */
        if(u16MasterTriggerSelectCnf == (uint16_t) RL_FRAMESTRT_API_TRIGGER)
            /* Master is triggered by SW, then no need of sub-frame trigger */
            pstAdvFrameCfg->frameSeq.subFrameTrigger = 0U;
            /* Master is triggered by HW, then sub-frames should also be triggered by HW. */
            pstAdvFrameCfg->frameSeq.subFrameTrigger = 1U;

        /* Update the number of ADC sample with the computed value. This parameter is
         *   required only for AWR1243/2243 chips and configures the size of ADC samples
         *   per chirp to be sent on LVDS/CSI2 interface */
        for(u32SubFrIdx = 0U; u32SubFrIdx < (uint32_t) pstAdvFrameCfg->frameData.numSubFrames; u32SubFrIdx++)
            pstAdvFrameCfg->frameData.subframeDataCfg[u32SubFrIdx].numAdcSamples = u16NumAdcSamples;

    /* Loop across all devices to send the advanced frame configuration */
    u32DevIdx  = 0;
    for(u32DevIdx = 0U; u32DevIdx < MMWAVE_RADAR_DEVICES; u32DevIdx++)
        /* Create a local device map to select each device one per one */
        u8DeviceMap = (uint8_t) ((uint32_t) 1U << u32DevIdx);

        /* Get the frame configuration of the device */
        pstAdvFrameCfg = &ptrControlCfg->u.advancedFrameCfg[u32DevIdx].frameCfg;

        retVal = rlSetAdvFrameConfig(u8DeviceMap, pstAdvFrameCfg);

        if (retVal != RL_RET_CODE_OK)
            *errCode = MMWave_encodeError(MMWave_ErrorLevel_ERROR, MMWAVE_EFRAMECFG, retVal);
            retVal   = MINUS_ONE;

   return retVal;

However, in the  file, all interfaces related to advanced frames only assign values to the structure with an ID of 0. For example, in the configuration of the interface , only the cli_mmwave.c CLI_MMWaveAdvFrameDataCfg

structure with an ID of 0 is assigned values, as seen in the following code:

memcpy((void *)&gCLIMMWaveControlCfg.u.advancedFrameCfg[0].frameCfg.frameData.subframeDataCfg[subFrameNum],
(void *)&subFrameDataCfg, sizeof(rlSubFrameDataCfg_t));

static int32_t CLI_MMWaveAdvFrameDataCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
    rlSubFrameDataCfg_t  subFrameDataCfg;
    uint8_t          subFrameNum;

    /* Sanity Check: Minimum argument check */
    if (argc != 5)
        CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
        return -1;

    /* Sanity Check: Sub Frame configuration is valid only for the Advanced Frame Mode: */
    if (gCLIMMWaveControlCfg.dfeDataOutputMode != MMWave_DFEDataOutputMode_ADVANCED_FRAME)
        CLI_write ("Error: Configuration is valid only if the DFE Output Mode is Advanced Frame\n");
        return -1;

    /* Initialize the frame configuration: */
    memset ((void *)&subFrameDataCfg, 0, sizeof(rlSubFrameDataCfg_t));

    /* Populate the frame configuration: */
    subFrameNum                                  = (uint8_t)atoi (argv[1]);
    if (subFrameNum > gCLIMMWaveControlCfg.u.advancedFrameCfg[0].frameCfg.frameData.numSubFrames)
        CLI_write ("Error: Invalid subframe number.\n");
        return -1;

    subFrameDataCfg.numAdcSamples = atoi (argv[2]) * 2 ;
    subFrameDataCfg.totalChirps   = atoi (argv[3]);
    subFrameDataCfg.numChirpsInDataPacket = atoi (argv[4]);

    /* Save Configuration to use later */
    memcpy((void *)&gCLIMMWaveControlCfg.u.advancedFrameCfg[0].frameCfg.frameData.subframeDataCfg[subFrameNum],
        (void *)&subFrameDataCfg, sizeof(rlSubFrameDataCfg_t));

    return 0;

his should be problematic, right? How should it be corrected?