Good Day.
My customer is interested in a reference design that is created by TI. The design is TIDA-010249 Four-channel synchronous vibration sensor interface reference design. It has all the design files included, gerbers, etc. However, he noticed that there is an issue with the included files. He can see in the Gerber file that the notes say it's a 4 layer board, however when looking at the gerber layers itself it only include 2 layers.
His goal is to order a manufactured board using the gerber files provided, however if the layer stack isn't fully included, he is worried of the device not working properly.
However, taking a look at the gerbers more, there is a note section that has the layer stack provided, it's just not appearing in any gerber viewer as a 4 layer board.
Please advise. Thank you very much.
Best Regards,
Ray Vincent