We are simulating some analog circuits using Hspice tool. We wanted to measure flicker noise and thermal noise. What all parameters we need to have in the model to perform the analysis? We know AF, KF, EF, NLEV, NOIMOD etc.. are few parameters. What should be their values and what more parameters need to be added? The model we have used is as shown below:
.MODEL PMOS1 PMOS VT0=-0.7 KP=50U GAMMA=0.57 LAMBDA=0.05 PHI=0.8 MJ=0.5 MJSW=0.35 CGBO=700P CGSO=220P CGDO=220P
+ CJ=560U CJSW=350P LD=0.014U TOX=14N
.MODEL NMOS1 NMOS VT0=0.7 KP=110U GAMMA=0.4 LAMBDA=0.04 PHI=0.7 MJ=0.5 MJSW=0.38 CGBO=700P CGSO=220P CGDO=220P
+ CJ=770U CJSW=380P LD=0.016U TOX=14N
Please help with the steps to calculate both flicker and thermal noise.