Hello Everybody
I am interested in building a peak detector for signals in a frequency range from a few Hz to 10 MHz.
I think it is very difficult to perform such a task in analog mode (without using AD converter and associated logic), due a poor performance in term of variation of "DC output" to "Input Amplitude" ratio in the very large frequency range of interest. But due to the convenience of the analog solution in terms of power consumption, I decided to try it.
I have identified the component OPA 615 and I tried to import its PSpice model in TINA TI.
So, I have changed the file extension, from original .sub to .lib and I tried the TINA TI command "File / Import /PSpice Netlist."
After compiling the OPA615 model I found the error, as in the attached screenshoot .
Is there a problem in the model or I made some wrong operation?
Thanks very much
Best Regards