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I want to run some TINA simulations for noise for an LM833 amplifier circuit. I cannot find an LM833 in the TINA library. Is there another part that is in the TINA parts library that is close to the LM833?
I am not aware of a similar model especially for noise analysis.
Hello Ron and Richard,
OPA1652 noise (4.5nV/RtHz, 0.5pA/RtHz, 1/f corner around 1kHz) is fairly close to that of LM833-N (4.5nV/RtHz, 0.7pA/RtHz, 1/f corner around 100Hz). The higher 1/f corner frequency of the OPA1652 may result in a slightly higher noise reading especially if you are band limiting to audio, for example. The difference would be less important if you are looking at extended bandwidths.
You might be able to use it for rough simulation purposes:
OPA1652 TINA-TI reference Design:
Entire TINA-TI reference page:
Hello Again,
OPA1652 is a FET-input device (100pA maximum input bias current) and I'm doubting the validity of the datasheet current noise density (0.5pA/RtHz), and hence the TINA-TI moel for it, since most FET input devices have input current noise in the fA/RtHz!
Just beware of that in case you are working with a large source resistance (>5kohm) which could result in your LM833-N current noise component to approach your voltage noise value. Large feedback resistors could have the same effect. Without these factors, your noise is dominated by voltage noise and the two devices should be close.
Thank you Hooman,
Your reply was very helpful. Do you have any recommendations of any app-notes that would be a good source for understanding op-amp noise?
Thanks again,
Hi Rich,
Regarding your question on good general application notes for noise:
Here are some good ones (in no particular order):
1. Noise Analysis for High Speed Op Amps - sboa066
2. Calculating noise figure in op amps - slyt094
3. Power Amplifier performance: -
4. FET Transimpedance Noise Analysis:
5. Operational Amplifier Specifications -